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#213101598Thursday, March 30, 2017 10:10 AM GMT

Hello, once again. So people have been wondering "Well how is HII ever going to succeed if it dosen't have good enough scripters?" I have your answer. I've aquired 3 of what I consider to be some of the top-notch scripters I've ever come across. One of those scripters and five to six others are pretty HD builders. Plus I'm a nice person for making sure everything looks neat and I can help build a bit, so there's my dev team. They work for absolutely free. I tracked down one of my old friends and am getting him to make HD Logos for all of HII's groups for free. He didn't want to be paid either. I've tracked down a decent and legit uniform maker that me and my members don't have to pay much to have make all of our 13 uniforms. He also makes pretty good-looking uniforms. I have someone helping us with ads and propaganda, as they have photoshop. As you can see, C&G, my little clan isn't dead as you hoped it would be; we have found ways to grow. To get uniforms, logos, places, and technology. No more will we endure false Autarch's, claiming to lead right when in reality they are bringing Helghan to it's knees! PAZHDA E NED ANG! HELGHAN PYZHNOTA E HELGHAST!
#213101632Thursday, March 30, 2017 10:12 AM GMT

Meant to say "Good enough Devs" but I accidentally clicked Autocorrect.
#213112118Thursday, March 30, 2017 4:22 PM GMT


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