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#213123198Thursday, March 30, 2017 8:06 PM GMT

Atlantic Airlines - Alliances Atlantic Airlines loves interacting with other companies and creating alliances, but there are certain procedures that need to go through before we ally groups with Atlantic Airlines. To get your group allied with Atlantic Airlines you need to apply. You can do so by sending an Alliance Application to a Founder. Before you send one in your group must meet the following requirements; - Your group must be an Airline or Cafe. - Your group must have at least 30 group members. - Your group must be active.(Like we are) - Your group must have a organized foundation. - Your group must benefit Atlantic Airlines. (Apparently we didn't spell our own group name correctly...) -[Alliance Application Information]- DM the Alliance Application to a Founder. Message Subject: [Group Name]|Atlantic Airlines Alliance Application|[Date] All questions with * must be at least a paragraph long. For those who never went to English class, a paragraph is at least 5 sentences. -[Alliance Application]- Group Name: Group Link: How would your group benefit us here at Atlantic Airlines?*: How many members are in your group/organization (Exact numbers)*: Explain why you want to be allied with Atlantic Airlines*: How active is your group/organization (Scale 1-10): -[End of Alliance Application]- AnthoEpico (There are a ton of either spelling mistakes or misused commas. I made a FIXED version of the documentation.)

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