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#21329241Friday, February 19, 2010 6:17 PM GMT

Based on the anime you people would never have known about. There is a land called Fiore, magic is sold and bought there like food. There are different types of wizards and this roleplay is about Celestial Wizards. There are guilds of wizards, each one training. There are dark guilds, seeking to kill the other guilds and there are also bad guilds, good guilds and the best. Fairy Tail is the best guild in all of Fiore, and that's where you are. Celestial wizards use keys to summon creatures, there are normal, silver keys which summon things like large toads or something like that. There are also the 12 Gold Gate Keys which summon creatures of the Zodiac. You can only obtain them if I let you. There are also Quests which are on a billboard in the guild. They have ranks from F to A. Everyone has to take a D to F mission unless they you have a gold key. If you have two gold keys, that is the only way you can have a A rank mission. Every time you encounter a new Zodiac monster I will give you a brief description of what it does, Example: Aquarius: "The Water Bearer" is a long-haired mermaid that can only be summoned into a body of water, she can control water. I'm being nice so you can make up your own Silver Gate Key creatures, keep them simple, no "Giant Demons of Descruction.". Rules: No godmodding. Killing is allowed, but there has to be a GOOD reason why. And the forum rules apply too. Character Sheet: Name: A.ge: Gender: Gate Keys: (You start with only 1, just give what it is here.) Personality: Appearance: Mine: Name: Gerald Kantor A.ge: 19 Gender: M Gate Keys: Cancer, Amphibous - A big toad with samurai armour and a katana. Personality: Happy, Likes to Help People. Appearance: Black Hoodie, Green T-Shirt, Jeans, White Sneakers. Start roleplaying! :3.
#21329492Friday, February 19, 2010 6:27 PM GMT

Anyone going to join? >_>.
#21329541Friday, February 19, 2010 6:28 PM GMT

(I just came here to bump it Sorry i'm already on 3 threads >.< Nice intro, people should join)
#21329773Friday, February 19, 2010 6:36 PM GMT

(>_> Anyone going to join AT ALL!?)
#21335148Friday, February 19, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

(BUMP!) (Im gonna redo this thread at another time.)
#21335235Friday, February 19, 2010 8:59 PM GMT

(...I was just going to make a bio...But you had to make a new thread D:)
#21335339Friday, February 19, 2010 9:01 PM GMT

(You can join, I was going to make one later if noone joined. Go ahead)
#21335574Friday, February 19, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Kiin Meyan A.ge: 18 Gender: Female Gate Keys: An otter/fox like creature that can stand on 2 legs and can speak. It can use a bit of water based magic and some earth based Personality: Nice, Smart, Helpful Appearance: A black jacket with a white t-shirt underneath, wears black flarish jeans and black sneakers. She wears small round glasses that sometimes perches on her nose. Her hair is straight black and purplish eyes.
#21335687Friday, February 19, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

(Because you're the first one in my thread, you get a Golden Gate Key of the Zodiac, here's your key: Aquarius: "The Water Bearer" is a long-haired mermaid that can only be summoned into a body of water. She is selfish and dislikes Kiin, often attacking both Kiin and Kiin's enemies with a torrent of water.)
#21335753Friday, February 19, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

(Oooh Now Kiin needs to cope with her and her enemiers xD)
#21335895Friday, February 19, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

(Well, that's how Aquarius acts like in the anime, I guess it's right to do it here.)
#21336015Friday, February 19, 2010 9:12 PM GMT

(Never watched, nor heard of it, Sorry. D: I'll try my best to understand though.)
#21336201Friday, February 19, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

(Let's start roleplaying!) I was in the guild, looking at the quest board. "Hmm, return a cat for 100 Jewel? SUCKS." I said. "Cook a meal for 500 Jewel? SUCKS." I said. "When will have something go-" I got cut off by a quest. "Make a bed for 10 Jewel...WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY HIRE WIZARDS TO MAKE A BED!?" I said, hammering the Quest Board with my fists. I saw a Quest which took my liking. "Team up with another wizard and kill Eyeries for 1 million Jewel?" I said, my pupils suddenly transformed into $$. "Kiin!" I shouted. "Come here!" I shouted.
#21336687Friday, February 19, 2010 9:23 PM GMT

I close my book and walked over,"Yes?" I asked.
#21336746Friday, February 19, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

"1 million Jewel." I said, pointing at the Quest. "We split it, 50/50 if you come." I say. "We're gonna have to kill some big assasin to get it though..." I said.
#21336889Friday, February 19, 2010 9:27 PM GMT

I push up my glasses to my eyes and read the flier."Hmmm, It may be tricky...Let's do it." I said, smiling.
#21337015Friday, February 19, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

"Eyeries is a Rank A Wizard, and is from a dark guild." I said, thinking. I got my stamp out and stamped the Quest paper, showing it was taken. "Let's go!" I said, running out of Fairy Tail.
#21337152Friday, February 19, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

I nod, and proceed to follow, running slightly slower than him.
#21337324Friday, February 19, 2010 9:35 PM GMT

I ran, never getting out of breath to the dark guild Uyeri. "Here we are, at Uyeri." I said, looking at the black-painted guild. "There should be one person inside..." I said, opening the door. Eyeries was sitting down in a seat, facing the door, he had white hair going over his eyes. "I've been expecting you..." He said. Eyeries got up. He put his hands together, casting a spell: Raining Thorns. The doors shurt, and thorns were flying at us at high speeds.
#21337518Friday, February 19, 2010 9:38 PM GMT

I ducked from some but got hit by two in the leg and in the arm."Arrrgh!" I scream in pain, falling to a kneel.
#21337622Friday, February 19, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

( may i join? i haven't whatched very many anime videos D:)
#21337637Friday, February 19, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

I summoned Amphibous, my lucky Toad, he shielded me from them with his samurai armour. "Celestial wizards?" Eyeries said, chuckling. "You could say that..." I say, running towards Eyeries with Amphibous. Eyeries kicked Amphibous, sending him back to the Spirit World. I jumped from behind Amphibous and cast a spell: Flaming Fist. My fist burned with flames and I punched Eyeries in the face, sending him flying.
#21337694Friday, February 19, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Jake Johnson A.ge: 18 Gender: Male Gate Keys: (Not really sure about this... any advice? Do I just make up my own?) Personality: Nice, funny, Caring. Appearance: Blond hair, Jeans, T-Shirt, about 6,2.
#21337709Friday, February 19, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

(You can join whenever you want..also I gtg...so let me do this....) After Eyeries was hit, he cast a spell: Infinite Needles. Several million needles appeared, and flew towards me, hitting me, they dissapeared, leaving me unconscious on the floor.
#21337786Friday, February 19, 2010 9:43 PM GMT

I get up, trying to bear the pain, I fired a water spell at Eyeries.

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