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#213535397Tuesday, April 04, 2017 6:58 PM GMT

Bring it to chrome OS
#213537501Tuesday, April 04, 2017 8:06 PM GMT

or how about you toss your crappy chromebook and buy a more versatile windows computer
#213538669Tuesday, April 04, 2017 8:40 PM GMT

Gone through this like a billion times. ChromeOS is a weird version of Linux, its not an easy OS to port to, very few users on roblox actually use Linux anyway and half the chromebooks on the market wouldnt be able to run Roblox anyway since theyre under system spec. Yes plenty of chromebooks can run roblox, but quite a lot of machines out there are running sub 1.5ghz mobile chips which would not be able to do most roblox games. Another issue is that theyre used commonly in schools, quite a lot of kids get them as school PC's, they dont want you playing games on them, Roblox understands that and likely wouldnt port to ChromeOS for this exact reason. Porting to linux itself would take a lot of time and effort and money, none of which roblox is going to shell out to appease a very small amount of users. Less related to chromebooks specifically, but if you can use Linux, you can figure out how to pirate a copy of windows XP.

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