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#214315848Friday, April 14, 2017 1:42 PM GMT

The avatar editor is too confusing, I mean, we actually have to click the arrows? Just get rid of them completely! Also, people seem way too different from each other, let's make it to where you can only wear 1 hat at a time. Also, the catalog items are not nearly expensive enough. Also, let's make it to where users can't make shirts or t-shirts, or pants. You know what? Just ###### ##### ##### and t-shirts all together. Also your whole body should only be one color. No, that's too unique... Let's make the only color you can select grey. You know what? Remove hats too. Just tell the community we want to look more professional or whatever.
#214315910Friday, April 14, 2017 1:43 PM GMT

Roblox' filter is not good enough, we need like, I mean, there were letters that are in bad words in there! Why aren't those censored?

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