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#214399816Saturday, April 15, 2017 10:50 AM GMT

Violation |Level 1| -Running (Constant) -Jumping (Spam) -Climbing -Yelling -General Uncivil Behavior -Loitering -Minor Harassment of another Citizen [Punishment:Stunstick] Violation |Level 2| -Cursing and/or swearing -Discrimination against a biotic or citizen -Talking to an SRU without permission (OfC+) -Committing a Level 1 Violation after a punishment -Possession of LEVEL ONE contraband -Wasting an officer's time -Not speaking an official language (i.e. Not speaking english, spamming, etc) -Not wearing a UU branded jumpsuit -Mid-level harassment of another citizen [Punishment:BIg damage/Not kill] Violation |Level 3| -Failure to Apply -Failure to Follow Orders -Larceny -High-level harassment of another citizen -Annoying an officer [Punish:Arrest] Violation |Level 4| -Trespassing on UU owned property (Restricted blocks) -Grand Larceny -Harassing an officer verbally -Fighting with other citizens -Vandalism [punish:Arrest/amputate] Violation |Level 5| -Attempted policide -Attempted assault on high priority citizen (High level loyalist) -Resisting arrest and/or questioning -Negative propaganda -Ignoring lockdown -Possession of LEVEL TWO contraband -Lying to an officer [punish:Arrest/Punish] Violation |Level 6| -Trespassing beyond Nexus Lobby -[CENSORED FOR ROBLOX] (In other words ODing) -Vandalism of UU owned property -Mental disability -Homicide of a citizen -Holding a hostage [ punish: amputate] Violation |Level 7| -Possession of LEVEL THREE Contraband -Attempted assassination of City Administrator -Assassination of City Administrator -Trespassing into the inner Nexus -Trespassing into the Citadel -Homicide of an officer -Homicide of a priority citizen -Malignant Propaganda -Rebel conspiracy [punish: Administer] Violation |ADMIN| -Constant random killing -High level trolling -Comments trolling -Glitching -Exploiting -Group advertising (Outside of the TCE community) (i.e Lambda, etc) -Unit betrayal -Going directly against an admin's word [punish:Unadmin]

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