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#214489016Sunday, April 16, 2017 10:40 AM GMT

Lord Mors Manwoody also tells Queen Deria Dayne that Mors was beloved in Dorne/Kingsgrave because he was a Dayne Prince and he was kind, sweet and gentle young boy. Lord Mors was angered and thus sent Ser Myles away to find Deria's #### ###### Gerold Dayne who left Starfall at the age of 16 and is presumed dead. Queen Deria asks Mors "What did Myles do to Prince Morgan specifically?" Lord Mors failing to speak says that he had began gently putting his hand on his face, his thighs and also getting close to Prince Morgan. ##### Deria is outraged and extremely angry and that when she finds Ser Myles Manwoody he will be hanged for treason. Lord Mors agreed with Her Grace, Deria and he was sent away from her chambers, she sent them some Golden Dragons to buy what they needed to restart their home. It was a thank you letter from Queen Deria, had she not known the truth and the Manwoody men not been so kind then perhaps a Dornish civil war would've began, thankfully it did not and the Manwoody's came to Deria directly and peacefully. Queen Deria cries when Lord Mors tells her that "Prince Morgan wept and then as my daughter tried to stop him he ended his life." Deria is upset but relieved by this. Lord Mors also tells Queen Deria that his daughter tried helping Prince Morgan, that was a very touching moment for Queen Deria because she nuked his daughter, the girl who loved him and tried to help him, Deria began feeling that she was a fool, how many lives she could've saved, it was her fault for thinking these things.
#214533396Sunday, April 16, 2017 9:51 PM GMT

Who you talking aboot?

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