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#215064404Sunday, April 23, 2017 2:17 AM GMT

To participate in Legacy Gymnastics comps. you we need to learn the basic rules and guides to them! JOIN HERE: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=3210563 [1] General Rules [1] 1) Do not silly behave when we have a serious comp. focus on your routine. 2) Do NOT make fun of someone else's routine. You will be seriously punished. 3) Show good sportsmanship instead of throwing a fit. 4) Be respectful to EVERYONE there. 5) Do what you are told or you will be kicked/banned from the server. * These are similar rules to the General rules at Legacy Gymnastics. Instead this is comp ( but you should still follow Legacy Gymnastics rules!) [2] How it goes [2] 1) Please be ready to go and have your uniform on and everything. 2) Stretch and Practice your routine. 3) See what you competition is gonna be like and try to work harder then they can. [3] Wins [3] 1st P###e######ns. 2nd Place- 1 win. 3rd Place- 1 win. *Please try your best at comps! [4] Ending [4] 1) When the comp. is over please respect other gymnast that may have beat you or didnt. 2) Congrats everyone. 3) Thank everyone. *Legacy Gymnasts are respectful.

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