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#215117416Sunday, April 23, 2017 3:37 PM GMT

Roblox shouldn’t restrict the way players color their avatar’s body parts to just one color for the entire body, because it hinders creativity & imagination (which is something Roblox is known to strive for), the new skin color update would likely receive backlash from the community, and it would be unfair to newer players whom will join the Roblox community after this upcoming update. To start off, this will hinder creativity and imagination for the players. At possibly a moment or another, a player is bound to tinker or play with the avatar editor to see what possible outfits they can create. In games with advanced character creators like “Fallout 4,” a player is bound to play with the character creator for extended periods of time. In some cases, customization is what gives a game life. Take for example games like; “Little big planet 2,” ”Skyrim,” and “Minecraft” are great games, not just for their gameplay-mechanics, but for the creativity of the community with their various ideas which allows some of them to create mods, add-ons, and/or amazing creations! As with any change in any game, there’s a chance of an update receiving backlash. The avatar editor change to its skin color mechanic will ultimately without a doubt have backlash from the community if it were decided that only one color can be chosen for the entire avatar at a time. In the history of Roblox there were updates that received hateful reviews from the community such as; the removal of purchasing lifetime builder’s club update, the removal of tickets or TIX update, and the whitelist filter update. All of these updates have a certain aspect in common which allowed players to hate them, which is the removal or restriction of certain features that were liked among the community. In the upcoming avatar-editor update, it’s easily predicted that it will endure backlash for its single skin-color feature. Lastly, this upcoming update would be unfair to newer players joining. For Robloxians before the update happens, they will be able to keep their outfits, while newer Robloxians after the update would feel left out. Going back to the removal of purchasing lifetime builders club, it should be noted that resentment had been created upon those who bought the option of lifetime builders club were allowed to keep it, despite the fact that it couldn’t be purchased no more. So players whom created outfits with different colors to their body are likely to receive hate and resentment as well. In conclusion, the new avatar editor should be a feature, but its change to restrict a player’s avatar to one skin color at a time shouldn’t be added. This is because it will stunt the creativity and customization for players to choose from, it’s likely to receive community hate, and lastly it’s just plain unfair to newer players whom will join after the update. Now for some important side notes and helpful suggestions; If the reason to choose one skin color for an avatar at a time was just for simplicity, then instead of that, there should be a feature that allows a player to change their skin color all at once instead of having to individually change every body part to a certain preferred color. If this feature were added it should work similar to the Google Chrome plugin “Roblox+,” a plugin that gives additions to Roblox such as notification sounds and a search bar for accessories/clothing, which has a feature in a form of a button that allows for easier recoloring of the entire avatar. I assume that the new avatar editor will be similar to the one on the iOS Roblox edition, if that’s the case please don’t removed the number of skin colors we could choose from. As of now the available number of colors for iOS is thirty, while the color count is sixty-four on the web/PC version of Roblox. ## fact, I think there should be a color picker just like the one’s from art programs like Photoshop so players can have a wider range of skin colors to choose from. If this feature was added, then there should be a pre-set default pack of skin-tones to choose from for simplicity. Overall this change would allow for more diversity and creativity. P.S. I’m so jealous that your team got to have fun at Disneyland, but that’s fine by me :)
#215117566Sunday, April 23, 2017 3:39 PM GMT

Please feel free to respond to this post, I'd like to hear your thoughts and Ideas on this subject as well.
#215117789Sunday, April 23, 2017 3:41 PM GMT

Support ಠ_ಠ I've got my eyes on you. . .
#215117811Sunday, April 23, 2017 3:41 PM GMT

I think that too I used to be rainbow guy. What about Eric.Castl it would ruin his design for e
#215118000Sunday, April 23, 2017 3:43 PM GMT

Glad to have your support :) Please share this thread with your friends so we can spread awareness on this subject-matter.
#215160738Monday, April 24, 2017 1:00 AM GMT

Making new players feel left out is the point. It would get Roblox more money. New players would want to prove that they are not "noobs" even more than now because the players who have outfits with colors saved would look less new. So their only option would be to buy clothes And since they can't get clothes for free except the "noob clothes" that would isolate them even more, they'd buy robux. More money for Roblox.
#215173885Monday, April 24, 2017 5:03 AM GMT

its still stupid of roblox to do such a this, so i say ''the support of millions are in this very soul'' (i did not make that phrase, my mother did a phrase similar to this one years ago. . .) so i also say: MEGA SUPPORT ON WHAT YOU SAY!!! i hope roblox changes their minds about this new avatar editor >:c
#215284348Tuesday, April 25, 2017 8:36 PM GMT

You know, I haven't thought about that part of that they would have to buy clothes. Some robloxians use the body part colors as clothes. (Like the old version of john doe) Yet, the idea of Roblox doing this as a lucrative way to make more money seems irrelevant. They have a constant supply of players purchasing Robux, not to mention the revenue they earn from the advertisements they post. Also with the removal of lifetime builders club, its pretty much the same as Robux buyers.
#215286424Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:06 PM GMT

too long didnt read
#215286635Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:09 PM GMT

tl;dr The update isn't going to be that bad. It's just going to make about 100 million people leave or so. But i don't care
#215287925Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:28 PM GMT

Roblox is funny, They realize this causes more inflation right? It shocks me, that people don't realize that there are only two genders.
#215288193Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:32 PM GMT

lol y'all complain about everything in no way does making you have the same color for your whole body limit creativity new players wont care about that, because they never had roblox before the avatar update if it's such an issue then quit
#215295962Tuesday, April 25, 2017 11:21 PM GMT

Well, we're entitled to our opinions
#215296696Tuesday, April 25, 2017 11:31 PM GMT

Support. Removing a good feature for character customization is useless, even if we get to keep it.
#215298742Wednesday, April 26, 2017 12:01 AM GMT

Like your Avatar by the way TinyNix, ima dress like that too.
#215298988Wednesday, April 26, 2017 12:04 AM GMT

Roblox is ruining the game/websit (Spelled wrong on purpose, Roblox blocks it) with all these tra$hy updates.
#215299525Wednesday, April 26, 2017 12:11 AM GMT

We just have to strive for the future.
#215300275Wednesday, April 26, 2017 12:21 AM GMT

#215300543Wednesday, April 26, 2017 12:25 AM GMT

Thanks for the support :)
#215360642Wednesday, April 26, 2017 7:56 PM GMT

If we could get as much support behind us that would be great, but I'm at least glad that we have Robloxians who care.
#215361687Wednesday, April 26, 2017 8:17 PM GMT

Support. If this update does get added hopefully Roblox+ will keep the old avatar editor or still have it at least.
#215361780Wednesday, April 26, 2017 8:19 PM GMT

@rere It says powering imagination, dimwit. if roblox doesn't let us color individual parts, then what is it
#215361890Wednesday, April 26, 2017 8:21 PM GMT

how would this make players leave ### and how would it cause inflation merely said seperate body colour is staying anway or something like that
#215361917Wednesday, April 26, 2017 8:21 PM GMT

I have good news and bad news. Good news is, you can keep coloring the separate body parts, instead of one color. Bad news is, some colors are still being removed. Merely said this.
#215366436Wednesday, April 26, 2017 9:37 PM GMT


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