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#21523631Tuesday, February 23, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

Author's Note (Me): I read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and something bothered me. Why don't they just create guns, and such with that special type of metal. Don't go: "It wouldn't be magicial enough :D", the author simply put it like that to keep it at a PG rating. I thought of creating an RPG where the demigods actually had weapons like guns, and such. The year is 2004, you've either been hunted down by monsters all your life, or they'll find you soon. There ain't no Camp Half-blood here, it's plain survival. Sure the gods ask for our help in quests, but they don't have some sort of safe haven. Some demigods look to other's for help, and make groups to fight off monsters. The rest are loners, they survive only because of their cunningness. Now you're probably wondering: "If they've never been to Camp Half-blood how do they survive?" Well this is your answer. About 100 miles north of L.A, there's a gate that leads to a town for mythological monsters, if a mortal trys to come in they die. Monsters can come and go as they please, for there is no owner. Shops are there, some even live there, but most demigods are killed if they stay for long. Almost all demigods go there for weapons, they leave immediately after that, but those who don't know that the houses aren't safe die. You may be wondering: "Can't they protect themselves?" Tell me this, how do you protect yourself from something you can't see. This invisible thing feasts only on demigods, and only comes during the night. So far it has kept within the town but it may come out. Rules: Must have a bit of knowledge of the Percy Jackson Series Must have knowledge of greek myth/legends Only 3 children of each Big Three God If you're a child of the Big THree, don't think that makes you all powerful, it doesn't. No ubering (Like: Jeremy shot (Uberer) in the hand twice, somehow he missed the position of the heard, (Uberer) screams in pain but keeps his hold of the gun, (Uberer) easily shoots 3 bullets into Jeremy's heart) No banning people (Ask me) 1st person narrative or 3rd person narrative is allowed, if you have two characters (In 1st person please put theit name on top (Ex: ~~Nari~~ Insert text under) Do not do (Jeremy: I like waffles *Eats waffle) PM me your sheet (THis is to know that you've read everything) Read everything Listen to me/admins Do not ask to be an admin, I will make you one if I like you. And other stuff I can't think of. Char Sheet: Name: Gender: Does he/she know that they're a demigod: Son/Daughter of: (This is a god, don't tell me your mortal one) Family: (Brother, mortal parent, sister, cousin etc.) Physical Appearance: (NOT THEIR CLOTHING) Likes: DIslikes: Weapon(s): Epic Special Power: (Don't do: "CAN KILL SOMEBODY BY LOOKING AT HIM) Bio: (As much info as possible, details are not neccesary)
#21523884Tuesday, February 23, 2010 12:36 AM GMT

Added: Please post your RP name so we know what is is
#21524101Tuesday, February 23, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

NO I FORGOT SOMETHING! Fixed Sheet: Name: Gender: Age: Does he/she know that they're a demigod: Son/Daughter of: (This is a god, don't tell me your mortal one) Family: (Brother, mortal parent, sister, cousin etc.) Physical Appearance: (NOT THEIR CLOTHING) Likes: DIslikes: Weapon(s): Epic Special Power: (Don't do: "CAN KILL SOMEBODY BY LOOKING AT HIM) Bio: (As much info as possible, details are not neccesary)
#21524235Tuesday, February 23, 2010 12:41 AM GMT

Of course if it has to do with Greek Mythology and not the series nobody joins.
#21527731Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:28 AM GMT

... Wow.
#21528614Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:40 AM GMT

For you to know I shall post other's sheets here once I approve them. Mine: Name: Jeremy Night G.ender: Male A.ge: 17 Does he/she know that they're a demigod: Yes Son/Daughter of: Mania (Greek goddess of insanity) Family: None Physical Appearance: Mischieveous brown eyes, neat (yet uncombed) average sized brown hair, 5 foot 9, pale skin. Likes: UNKNOWN DIslikes: UNKNOWN Weapon(s): A nickle that converts into dual stygian blades, and a pistol filled with stygian bullets. (He got it illegaly, don't ask) Epic Special Power: Can make people see illusions that drive them insane. (Note: He can't do this on people with a really strong mind, and it tires him after.) Bio: When he was 10 his family was slaughtered by monsters, he's been on the run ever since. He discovered the town at 13, got the stygian stuff from an inside guy, and has been on the run ever since
#21528902Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:43 AM GMT

(Btw if I don't respond to the PM, it means it went to the filter, so try putting dots on G.ender and A.ge if that doesn't work do dots on the words that might be the problem.
#21529068Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:45 AM GMT

This is annoying me, the only greek mythology thread (That I know of) that has any imagination put into it is ignored
#21529324Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:48 AM GMT

((Did Camp Half-Blood exist in this RP at all? Or is it an alternate reality?))
#21529366Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:49 AM GMT

(Camp Half-blood does not exist, but small safe havens do, although they're aren't any magical borders.)
#21529420Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

((I know it doesn't currently exist, but did it ever exist in this RP?))
#21529544Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

((Something similar to it did exist about 15 years ago, but the borders which had a dragon protecting it were destroyed somehow, and monsters attacked the camp during the night. Slaughtering almost everyone.)
#21529984Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:57 AM GMT

#21530200Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:00 AM GMT

Name: McKailey Hirashi Gender: Female A ge: 12 Does he/she know that they're a demigod: Yes. Found out a week ago. Son/Daughter of: (This is a god, don't tell me your mortal one) Hades Family: (Brother, mortal parent, sister, cousin etc.) Brother: Bobby Hirashi, died when I turned 6, Sister: Tsuki Hirashi(10) Mother: Sae Hirashi Physical Appearance: (NOT THEIR CLOTHING) Long dark brown silky hair, pale skin, dark brown eyes, five foot one, 98 pounds. Likes: Drawing, reading, writing, swimming, playing games like chess, taking pictures., playing the drums, playing piano, playing the flute, playing Violin, playing electric guitar, Computers(NERRRD <3), mythology, anime, and manga. DIslikes: Jerks, wannabe ga ng sters, and Idiots. Weapon(s): Double bladed bone scythe, two dark purple spears, 5 knives. Epic Special Power: (Don't do: "CAN KILL SOMEBODY BY LOOKING AT HIM) Causes illusions. Bio: (As much info as possible, details are not neccesary) Ran away from home when she was 8. Her mother didn't care for her much. She was born in Oklahoma. She's in L.A. at the moment. Woke up one day with the scythe and spears next to her. Has a teddy bear that she carries around most of the time, and a beautiful gold locket.
#21530467Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

(You had to PM me it, but since I know j00 it r okay) I was at L.A when I saw a couple of monsters hanging out near an alley. "Crap..." I murmured as I ran back. I hoped they didn't see me
#21530718Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

I was in a market, lurking around. I had not eaten all week. I grabbed some fruit and meat and put it all under my shirt. I managed to sneak out of the store without being caught. I had dirt all over my face. I was covered in cuts and bruises.
#21530908Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:09 AM GMT

The monsters ran out of the alley. So they had seen me. "Come on we're all friends here." I said. The monsters just growled, I ran.
#21531243Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

I ate a few apples very quickly. I wondered who I was a child of...I had stole a few text books from school and read about Greek Mythology...I could name almost every titan and god... I could be a child of Hermes...I was good at stealing stuff, but of course that was because I've been doing it for a long time... OR Poseidon...I liked swimming.... I sighed. I walked pass a studio that I hadn't seen before. I walked in, wanting to know if there was anything worth stealing.
#21531461Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:17 AM GMT

I slid into a store, and hid behind the desk. The monsters ran past me. Before they knew what was going on, I had ran across the street into a studio. I watched as the monsters turned around, and attempted to put 2, and 2 together. They failed of course, they thought I was still in one of the stores on the same sidewalk they were on, not across the street. I looked at my surroundings, hoping a monster wasn't in here. My dual stygian blades were out, but to a mortal they looked invisible. Just a girl, and an old man. I gasped in relief
#21531695Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:20 AM GMT

I saw people everywhere. All of them see through. I was confused. I found some gold coins on a counter. No one was watching. I picked them up and began putting them in my pocket. "And just what do you think you're doing?" someone said. I turned around. Charon.
#21531841Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:22 AM GMT

What the heck? I saw Charon talking to the girl. I rubbed my, eyes. It was Charon. The heck was he doing talking to a mortal. (Wait are you talking about the Charon from the greek myths or some other guy)
#21532087Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:26 AM GMT

((I sent my bio.))
#21532156Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:27 AM GMT

(Greek myths. I r in the studio that leads to the underworld.) Charon grabbed me. "Oi! Lemme go!" I yelled. He threw me in an elevator and walked in. The doors shut and he pressed the down button.
#21532445Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:31 AM GMT

(Dear Lava, I have not received anything, did you put G.ender, and A.ge like that?) (Ah.) I saw Charon throw the girl into the elevator, what was going on? I decided not to bother with it, although curiosity was tugging my shoulder.
#21532619Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:34 AM GMT

((Omg! My entire bio is now lost forever!))

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