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#215740211Monday, May 01, 2017 4:57 PM GMT

Hello! This is my first forum post so I don't know how it will end but I still wanna try and share with all of you. I was inspired by one youtuber that it made me just go and do stuff like these.And today i went around all my friends and strangers asking them if they want to be in my ROBLOX episodes. Here is the basic info,but I want to add much more: "I am working on movie/series called Seekers.It will be on youtube channel "xPinkIvy".We need about 35 characters from where about 8-10 will be main characters.Clothing and Outfits will be included. Story is based off from "13 reasons why".Story is about girl who runs away from her home and country,her family is searching for her.Then there is second main character who is a boy.He is receiving tape and clues from who he needs to find her.And in every episode these 8-10 character will be included like why she ran away. A lot of things will happen in these series and i think there shall be about 10-12 episodes that means 1 season.If it all goes smooth then maybe there will be second episode. If you are interested message my account xPinkIvy.For now all the parts are NOT taken except for main character-AKA girl who ran away. And we will start filming in the end of the May because this is just start and i still need to think a lot thru.And if you know any friends who might wanna enjoy this please send them this message. Thank you for your time. xPinkIvy" *************************************************************************************** That was basic info what can change because it is not done yet.But here is actual story: "Story is about girl who runs away from home and family and even her country because she felt humiliated and bullied.So she ran away from home and she left bunch of clues and everything for somebody to find her.So there is this guy who has to find all the clues and find where is girl.Guy must cross a lot of challenges and a lot of mind twists.And girl will leave tapes about every person she felt humiliated from.(Yeah 13 reasons why,dont judge me)." **************************************************************************************** So now you know what is all about but there is one thing that i really need from you guys.I need your HELP.Tell your friends,tell your followers because i really want "Seekers" to become reality.I count on you to find me. **************************************************************************************** Contact me: Kuksis19- follow me and message me xPinkIvy- follow me and message me **************************************************************************************** FIND...ME
#215744297Monday, May 01, 2017 6:54 PM GMT

wrong forum why are people confusing this with vcwr
#216048225Saturday, May 06, 2017 5:15 PM GMT

can i build the map around? maybe
#216048610Saturday, May 06, 2017 5:20 PM GMT

i am insterested

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