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#215834665Wednesday, May 03, 2017 4:25 AM GMT

How can I get this local script that I used for non filtering enabled many months ago and turn it into a working script for filtering enabled. I understand I have to use RemoteServer for FE but this script clones a PlayerButton of every single player in the server and goes back and forth between the 2 selected players as they take turns selecting players for their team; thus, making this a nightmare to figure out how to get around Filtering Enabled. -------------------------------------------- sp = script.Parent guiteam = sp.Parent.Team capfol = workspace.CaptainFolder folteam = capfol.Turn sp.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if guiteam.Value == folteam.Value then if game.Players:FindFirstChild(sp.Text) ~= nil then print "PLAYER EXISTS" local playa = game.Players:FindFirstChild(sp.Text) if playa.Team.Name == "Spectators" then if folteam.Value == "Home" then folteam.Value = "Away" else folteam.Value = "Home" end for index, child in pairs(game.Teams:GetChildren()) do print"LOOPING" if child.TeamColor.Name == "Bright red" and guiteam.Value == "Away" then print"I WENT AWAY" playa.Team = child end if child.TeamColor.Name == "Bright blue" and guiteam.Value == "Home" then print"I WENT HOME" playa.Team = child end end end end wait() sp:Remove() end end)
#215837078Wednesday, May 03, 2017 5:21 AM GMT

I'm pretty sure the only thing you'd have to do on the server is setting the Player's Team, and setting 'folteam's Value Property. R$35,255

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