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#215876515Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:31 PM GMT

There are many things that could improve the ROBLOX website but here are just a few things I don't really get. 1. Why can't we change group names even for a price? (Highly requested by many ROBLOX users.) 2. I know this should be done when you create your account name but why must I pay R$1K to capitalise my username? 3. (This needs to be a thing) Some players would rather hide their old usernames from their profile via settings and choose whether people can search for them using their old usernames. lol 4. Why can't we delete unwanted models, old shirts or games? I've got tonnes of games piled up on my develop page which throws me off whenever I go on it. This is also a highly requested suggestion by many but a lot of people also fear the idea as someone may take one's account and start deleting things. However I think that's ludicrous... I don't get how people still fear being hacked nowadays! If that can't be done then why can't we change the look of old shirts by replacing the image kind of like you're able to do so with group emblems thankfully. Feel free to also leave any opinions below on my suggestions here or if you have any other suggestions that you think others may might like as they are greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading! #Sodaghost13
#215876926Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:37 PM GMT

I agree and support the f i r s t and last ideas.
#215877408Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:43 PM GMT

"2. I know this should be done when you create your account name but why must I pay R$1K to capitalise my username?" < Thats why we don't rush. "3. (This needs to be a thing) Some players would rather hide their old usernames from their profile via settings and choose whether people can search for them using their old usernames." < Don't put anything you wouldn't want your parents to see on the internet. It shocks me, that people don't realize that there are only two genders.
#215877519Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:44 PM GMT

2. lol 3. I don't quiet get your point #Sodaghost13
#215877601Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:45 PM GMT

- 1. Yes, only abusable if the price is low. . - 2. Sorry but people would use too many namesnipes if it was lower than 1K (not to mention that it's unfair for the people who paid 1K the first time) . - 3. Yes, agreed. . - 4. Only if a p i n code i s required.
#215877662Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:46 PM GMT

3> Why would you want to hide your username YOU chose it YOU typed it, whats on the internet persists. It shocks me, that people don't realize that there are only two genders.
#215877942Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:49 PM GMT

I was more immature back then lol... I basically mixed my old username with my favourite character from a TV Show back then. Others think their names were embarrassing or as someone told me once 'makes me feel like a noob thinking about my past usernames'. Also if you put something your parents can't see, do you think ROBLOX would really allow it?? #Sodaghost13
#215877961Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:50 PM GMT

^ some users were really young when they joined Roblox so they might have an immature username.
#215878040Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:51 PM GMT

I strongly agree with your gender views but I don't get how that relates to suggestion 3 really :| #Sodaghost13
#215878088Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:51 PM GMT

Yeah lol dOn't l00k aT MiNe #Sodaghost13
#215878244Wednesday, May 03, 2017 10:53 PM GMT

That's his siggy (signature) btw.
#215920260Thursday, May 04, 2017 5:23 PM GMT

Automatically done by ROBLOX+ #Sodaghost13
#215922194Thursday, May 04, 2017 6:06 PM GMT

I like your name. Also, support.
#215922366Thursday, May 04, 2017 6:11 PM GMT

Thank you, much appreciated! :) #Sodaghost13

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