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#216632399Sunday, May 14, 2017 9:35 PM GMT

Welcome to the official application of New Blockers Emergency Service Unit short for...... N-B-E-S-U.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fill Out all the questions below---------------------------- Q,I. What are some good things about you? ans: What are pro's and cons about you? ---------------------------------Multiple Choice---------------------------------------- In your view what does E-S-U means? a. Special Unit For Protection. b. Just a unit for fun. c. New Blockers Emergency Services. d. New Blockers Emergency Service Unit. .......................................................................................... If you got a call stating there is a Hostage Situation, What would you do? a. Ask if E-S-U is needed. b. Respond to the call stating you are E/R. c. Ask dispatch for another call. d. Stop to get donuts ........................................................................................If you are on a lunch break and across the street you see a gunfight, what would you do? a. Open fire on the Hostiles right away. b. Continue to eat lunch. c. Call it in, ask everyone to get down then wait for back up. d. Drive off. ........................................................................................ You are driving, you see someone taking a ladies purse what would you do? a. Stop, call it in, and taze the suspect. b. Keep driving. c. Ask nicely to hand the ladies purse over. -------------------------------------Conclusion----------------------------------------- You have completed the N-B-E-S-U application, We really thank you for filling this out. In order to be graded sen this application to a Captain+ in E-S-U -City Chief Izzy

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