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#21702105Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:38 AM GMT

be nicer to guests there just ppl who are just trying out roblox and new to it let em learn about&facts about roblox!
#21702459Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:44 AM GMT

No There Usualy People Who Wanna Hide Them-Selfs so they can Go on a Deleting Freenzy at a Building Place
#21702585Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:46 AM GMT

Why guests shouldnt be here: 1. THEY CANT CHAT 2.SINCE THEY CANT CHAT YOU CANT CONTACT WITH THEM IN ANY WAY EXCEPT KILLING THEM. 3. They always break rules (Because THEY NEVER READ THE RULES WHILE PEOPLE WITH ACCOUNTS ARE FORCED TO). 4. THEY CANT BE BANNED (THEY COULD BE CHEATING!) 5. Guests dont know how to do anything they just come there watch what everyone else does and tries it, fails, everyone starts killin them. 6. Theres already a HUGE group of guest haters that will never disapear. Think about it, if you supported them, they wouldnt EVEN KNOW YOU ARE BECAUSE THEY CANT SEE CHAT!
#21702820Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

Reminder: Auto Guest Banning Scripts aren't allowed. Posted: 01-19-2009 03:33 PM Please don't post any guest banning scripts here. It's against the rules to have them, and it's even worse to share them. Think about it this way, if you exclude guests from games, they won't want to join. read the last line thats the most important 1
#21702857Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

yes thats mi point too! and NO MORE GUESTS! NO MORE GUESTS!!!
#21702904Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

not towers
#21702943Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:52 AM GMT

#21703069Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

@ TowerCreator shes saying to be nice to guests not not talking about getting rid of them.
#21703240Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:57 AM GMT

Stop flaming guests, the only bad guests are usually the ones with real accounts, using a guest so they can't get banned. The real guests normally won't do anything, they come to the game to test it before they waste their time making an account on a game they might not like.
#21703613Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

the fact is, that we dont need guests. registering takes about a minute, and anyone who has played ANY game before, registers first before doing anything. +the guests still need to download the game to get to play, so why wouldnt they need to register too?
#21703644Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

kevin i was actually talking to ry and lukas
#21704151Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:11 AM GMT

Oh never mind then.
#21704354Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

reported for spamming. "from spamland to banland" -Xcaliber777
#21704732Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:20 AM GMT

Guest haters fail.
#21704909Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

Guests are to stay. Nuff said.
#21706034Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:40 AM GMT

you supper noob trying to save the guests you just have a smalll rebelion you dont stand a chance with the noob hating empire. just face it 96% a roblox like guests and their noobs like you. stupid forum.tacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylorvv is my bigest hate on roblox
#21706137Saturday, February 27, 2010 2:42 AM GMT

Dont spam this.
#22093341Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:51 PM GMT

you supper noob trying to save the guests you just have a smalll rebelion you dont stand a chance with the noob hating empire. just face it 96% a roblox hate guest and their not noobs like you. stupid forum.tacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylortacotaylorvv is my bigest hate on roblox
#22093594Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:55 PM GMT

To any guest haters: Guests are here to stay. Telamon even says that ROBLOX will NOT be segregating Guests from ROBLOX. ~{Idiots are fun. No wonder every village wants one.}~
#25491414Sunday, May 09, 2010 6:21 PM GMT

guest r ok i am in the middle 0.o >.<
#25491483Sunday, May 09, 2010 6:22 PM GMT

Guests are ok. @people who say no more guests So what if we deleted your account for no reason? And people would just laugh at you? Selfish idiots.
#25491748Sunday, May 09, 2010 6:27 PM GMT

Thsi thread is spam and thius will be treated as spam. Begin reporting. >=Darth

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