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#21733511Saturday, February 27, 2010 4:53 PM GMT

There are 2 worlds in this realm. The world of Robloxians, then the world of Korboxians. This is the Korblox's story. Are you ready? Can you take them on? I think not. The Korblox are preparing for a war aganist the Robloxians. What side will win? Only you choose. This story starts out in the usual Korblox Village Ianto, in the Wooie Forest, down the creek. If you cross the creek, you'll spot this village...(Admins are first 5, Mods are Roblox Admins, Deathspeakers are Korblox Admins) Robloxian CS Name: Age: Occupation (20 or higher): Appearance: Weapon of choice: Theme song (No links, song name then band): Intentions: Home: Korblox CS Name (no human name): Age: Occupation (20 or higher): Appearance: Weapon of Choice: Theme Song: Intentions: Home: Citizen, Mandible, or Chosen?: (Put ? after what you wanna be-i MAY accept.
#21734731Saturday, February 27, 2010 5:16 PM GMT

RULES! No ubering No Modern weapons No killing off a main Post examples: Name Proper Grammer, 1st person, past tense.
#21734799Saturday, February 27, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

I play as Vectiar, Ancient Deathspoken. I am scenery and monsters aswell.
#21735032Saturday, February 27, 2010 5:22 PM GMT

Ianto was a leafy town. All of its things were made of green tree bark. Potions and weapons and food were on stalls of this bark. The barks name was Ourin. There were alot of Korblox buildings, and korbloxians ran around. Childern played, Mandibles Prepared for war, Chosen were using routes for war, Deathspeakers aiding them. This was a normal Korblox village in the forest. (I play as Vectiars assisstant aswell, a korblox chosen named Dremvar.)
#21735711Saturday, February 27, 2010 5:38 PM GMT

Na.me: Danny A.ge:10 Occup.ation (20 or higher):? Appea.rance:Black Hair And Shirt,Blue Eyes And Pants,Brown Shoes Weapon of choice:Sword Or Dagger Theme song (No links, song name then band):Utada (don't know band) Intentions:To Become A Better Fighter,Builder,And Scripter Home:Happy Home In Robloxia
#21735981Saturday, February 27, 2010 5:43 PM GMT

(Accepted) Vectiar "No,No,NO!" I shouted and banged the table. The other Deathspeakers shook at the force of my hit. "If we want to invade, we can't go through the beaches! Thats a stronghold for them! They have hundreds of people there. They could have cell phones and call the miliary aganist us!" I said, growling.
#21747945Saturday, February 27, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

(Grenval Empire pwns Korbloxians easy, but I guess I might join :D)
#21882038Tuesday, March 02, 2010 2:49 AM GMT

Vectiar "But if you come through the mountain ranges and through the tunnels, we can secure some cities. Then we can cut through the waterlines, and break the lighthouses. No reinforcements then equals a square shot to the Robloxian Council."I said moving the army peices of the map into position. "Then we have the world."
#21883086Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:08 AM GMT

Korblox CS Na.me: Cyzlobek A.ge: 17 Occu.pation (20 or higher): Ap.pearance: Dark Red Hair, Long Black Robe, Grey Eyes Weapon of Choice: A Staff that has a blade on each edge Theme Song: This day we fight! Megadeth Intentions: To explore all the world Home: A Undergroung cave hidden on the coast Citizen, Mandible, or Chosen: Mandible?
#21883293Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:13 AM GMT

Robloxian CS Name: Saerin Ag.e:17 Occupation (20 or higher): 100 Appearance: whati m wearing now Weapon of choice:Katana Theme song (No links, song name then band):N/A Intentions: ???? Home: A dojo in ROpan
#21883679Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:24 AM GMT

Name: Luke A.g.e: 15 Occupation (20 or higher): ??? Appearance: spiky hair green shirt blue pants Weapon of choice: Icicle Shooter Theme song (No links, song name then band): Happy Hom In Robloxia Intentions: ???? Home: The Blue Mansion Type Thing.
#21883728Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:25 AM GMT

(oops Theme : Happy DAY in robloxia
#21883984Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:31 AM GMT

Cyzlobek: I entered the large village of Iowan. I myself, do not like this city, to compact and marshy. A small fellow asked me on the way to my camp, "Is there going to be a war?!?!" I told him "I hope not." Then i proceed to the barracks where they were assembiling troops. "Another war for the history books" I told myself as i took a seat.
#21884038Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:33 AM GMT

(whoops, i mean Ianto)
#21884086Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:34 AM GMT

(My Battle theme is Stealth Pilot vs. His Mummy)
#21884212Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:37 AM GMT

Danny:*Sees noob army thingy messing up my place*1st time this month.*Theme plays as I Slice 'em up*
#21884285Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:39 AM GMT

(all are accepted, and yes to mandible) Dremvar I saw a strange Korblox wander near the Deathspeaker tent. He was a mandible, i could see, but something was odd about him. I halted him in his tracks, and put my weapons to his neck. "Who are you...And why do you wander near the Deathspeakers tent? What do you intend?" I growled at him.
#21884378Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:42 AM GMT

Cyzlobek: I calmly tell the man holding me hostage, "I heard there was a war...So i decided to come experience it." As a grin appeared on my face.
#21884497Tuesday, March 02, 2010 3:45 AM GMT

(I also have a staff.) Danny:*Finishes*Should I delete this?Or not?
#21895678Tuesday, March 02, 2010 5:59 PM GMT

Dremvar "Ok...You may NOT go in the Deathspeakers tent unless you have a map for the speakers." I said, passing the mandible.
#21901566Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

(is the theme song like before you batttle or something?)
#21916380Wednesday, March 03, 2010 12:46 AM GMT

Cyzlobek: "people are so paraniod" i mummbled. I soon found myself in the mandibles tent, surround by a bunch of warriors in jeweld armor. I left soon after that and stumbled my way into the woods. My destination, Robloxia...
#21917133Wednesday, March 03, 2010 12:58 AM GMT

Ventia I walked out of the tent, followed by the deathspeakers. "Who was that mandible?" I asked Dremvar when the other deathspeakers were out of earshot. "Some seeker i imagined-he heard about the war we're planning i suppose." Dremvar replied, nodding to where Cyzlobek had disappeared. "Shall we follow?" He asked. "Yes. I would like to meet him." I said, and starting to dash towards the spot Dremvar indicated, him following closely
#21918741Wednesday, March 03, 2010 1:23 AM GMT

Cyzlobek: I followed the forrest floor and made my way past a small creek when i spotted something on the edge of the water. It was shiny, and had a grip for my hand. This...machine was something i have never saw before, there was a trigger where my thumb slept, so I pressed down. Suddenly icicles shot from this weapon and froze a small stone. Foreign weapons mean only one thing, so i threw it in the forest and hurried my way south, to the edge of our world.
#21922243Wednesday, March 03, 2010 2:16 AM GMT

Dremvar I pounced on Cyzlobek. "Ventia wants to see you." I growled as Ventia picked up the weapon. "Sir.." I said as he shot at over my head. I ducked, and it hit my helm. "THAT IS COLD!" I yelled at Ventia. Ventia "An icicle shooter..." I whispered. "Human technology...Only the Northern Tribes have these kinds of weapons..." I whispered. "HUMANS!" I roared to Dremvar, Dremvar "HUMANS!?!?" I roared, astonished.

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