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#217749022Tuesday, May 30, 2017 5:44 PM GMT

UDUSO Rules and Regulations 1. You MUST show respect to all Deputies, and especially any High Commanding Officer(s). No questions asked.. 2. You MUST study our codes by yourself, we expect you to remember them independently. 3. You MUST have a Discord Account. 4. You MAY NOT disrespect anyone on Discord. 5. You MUST have Zello. 6. You MUST use Zello properly. 7. If we catch you exhibiting any of our outfits with the WRONG RANK, misrepresenting yours, and acting as one you are not, WILL result in a demotion and suspension. (After first warning) 8. You MUST be active to this group, or punishments will apply. (Inactivity Policy) 9. You MUST follow a High Commanding Officer’s orders, but if you feel they were or are unlawful and cruel, please talk to the Sheriff. 10. You MAY NOT patrol as a Probationary Deputy. If this rule is broken, it can result in your removal of the department. 11. You may not patrol the cities that we have NOT listed. 12. You MUST refer to an HR as Sir or Ma’am, depending on their gender. 13. You are NOT ALLOWED to make any racial slurs, jokes, or roasts, unless you put it in the Discord’s Roast Channel. But as a intelligent being, you should know what’s okay and what’s not. 14. Keep swearing at a MILD rate. 15. Keep any discussion about race, politics, at a MILD rate as well. If I get reports of it being offensive, you will be suspended! Any suggestions on more rules we might need? Reply them.

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