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#218355066Wednesday, June 07, 2017 9:32 PM GMT

This is a guide of how each rank should behave. [LR] Recruit: They don't usually go out alone, but they sometimes do. They usually provide expendable soldiers for higher ranks, or do work to gain money for better equipment. [Jail] Box of Idiots: You cannot role play as a Land Shark, if you do you will be removed from the group. It is okay to role play a Land Shark supporter, but not a actual member. [LR] Mugger through [LR] Bandit. At this point It's more likely for them to head off in small groups or alone. They usually commit petty crimes, or form the bulk of most squads. [MR] If you're a Guerrilla bandit, you're almost guaranteed to perform recon and head out alone or in small squads. Other ranks usually perform crimes like robbing the bank, exterminating rival soldiers or robbing large groups. They usually are put at the front lines in firefights. [HR] They usually lead squads, staying at the back of conflicts. They head out alone a fair amount. Hopefully this clears some things up. If you have any complaints, direct them to me.

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