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#218794449Tuesday, June 13, 2017 12:39 PM GMT

Remember the delete button? That deletes it from your inventory. That's nothing special, but this idea allows you to delete it officially to where no one can see it again. Similar to the delete button, but it's more advanced. Example is you make a shirt, and you don't like it so you wanna get rid of it. Deleting it means removed from your profile and can be seen in the shirt section, named exactly like the shirt and someone can just find it. That's why the delete option should have two choices. From either your inventory or the entire website itself.
#218794508Tuesday, June 13, 2017 12:41 PM GMT

You made a bad shirt and don't wanna admit it. too bad, so sad. no support. We have a situation... ~Miles https://www.roblox.com/Mega-Blaziken-item?id=146136528
#218795548Tuesday, June 13, 2017 1:16 PM GMT

'bad shirt' Kid please, look into my inventory before trying to talk.
#218795767Tuesday, June 13, 2017 1:23 PM GMT

honestly i don't understand why roblox doesn't do it if people could delete stuff from the entire website it would reduce the Wasted Storage put aside to keep these deleted items on the server its not like they cant just keep a Log File of everything that is created and deleted it would take up less space either way in a Logged Text Format then it does in a Virtual Form. all Pros no Cons
#218796307Tuesday, June 13, 2017 1:38 PM GMT

Yeah, bad shirts lol. Obama chuckled. "You mean the Chaos Emeralds?"

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