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#219180793Sunday, June 18, 2017 8:49 PM GMT

Volume 1 of 6. [ Table of Contents ] [ 1 - Introduction ] [ 2 - Premise, Important Individuals, & Locations ] [ 3 - Rules & Regulations/Restrictions ] [ 4 - Extra Notes or Information ] [ Introduction ] The city streets of Tokyo, Japan remain loud and busy, even at midnight. Suddenly, a bright flash of blue light appears in the center of a street and a portal appears. A gang of millennials, ranging from toddlers to teenagers (which the exception of a few adults) walk out. One of them, an older character, laughs and yells. "You may begin your havoc, my friends!" The others laugh and one by one, they seem to 'ignite', or activate abilities and cause mayhem around the streets of Tokyo, Japan. An hour passes; absolutely nothing left. Or, at least, nothing livable. Every building demolished in flames, bodies burned or beaten on the floor, cars flipped upside down and exploding. The bright blue portal remains in the middle of a once clean(ish) street. The mutants walk towards it and enter. The final one smirks at the destruction and walks through, and just like that, the portal disappears. (Had to rush the intro because my iPad (which has this roleplay written on it) is slowly breaking and I want to put it on the forums as soon as possible before it dies permanently. Everything else should already be complete so don't expect such rushed 'quality' on everything else.) [ Premise ] After the attack on Tokyo, NATO has decided that nuking the mutants will only case more destruction. (Since one of the mutants can open up portals) NATO decides to organize a group of the world's best agents, soldiers, and anyone great in combat to fight these mutants. That's when you arrive. You are one of the world's best. Whether though combat, brains, or any skills. There are many more like you, hundreds in fact, but not everyone will make it to the end. You're only human, after all. You're fighting the threat no one else is willing to fight because of your intentions, which differ from the rest. Whether it's for revenge or just the right thing to do, you're fighting them. It is 3055. The world has gone through a lot. There's no guarantee we'll win. No guarantee at all. (Got a little carried away there.) [ Important Individuals ] (The filter prevents me from using full names, so for the time being, their last names will be shortened.) *PRO Michael C.: The chosen leader of the Alliance is Michael C., one of two brothers of the team. He has shown previous leadership skills which proved to the government he was the perfect choice as leader. He is the leader, though don't let that distract you from his normal side outside of leadership. Jonathan B.: Co-Leader of the Alliance. He shows excellence in weaponry and following orders and remembrance incase someone forgets the plan. *EVIL VILE The big bad. VILE will not be immediately shown as he is created midway through. VILE is an 8 foot artificial intelligent robot with intentions to destroy all normal human life forms and replace it with the mutants. "Violet": Currently unknown at this moment, 'Violet' seems to be the only human beside the Mutants, but has shown to be a valid sword fighter. [ Locations ] The locations seen in this installment are: Tokyo, Japan: By the time your characters interact in this area, it will be in pieces. The landscape will be full of dead bodies, random flames, and destroyed buildings. Don't be surprised if random survivors pop out at you. They haven't met any other humans for weeks now. - Harley Industries: What was once a tall skyscraper owned by Benji H., AKA currently the smartest man alive, is now only five stories high and is burnt on the outside. Though the top and outside may be burnt, the inside deep within may not. . . Miami, Florida: Beautiful at day, though gritty at night; Miami is just like what it was before, except all futuristic at all. Most buildings are either dark gray or tan. Building architecture is very smooth. - The Alliance HQ: Originally built as a military facility on the coast of Miami, the Alliance HQ is now home to the world's best agents. The section closest to the coast is where a huge dinner party room is, while behind it towards the city is a training facility, a hangar, and a huge laboratory. Somewhere in the Mountains of Alaska: Not much to describe here. Huge mountains on top of mountains on top of more mountains. The ground is covered in snow up to 3 feet. - The Mutant Hideout: Provided by VILE is a new hideout made from an abandoned factory in the outskirts of Alaska. It is a huge warehouse built upon tw(fil)o mou(ter)ntains with lots of yellow railing pathways going across the building of the 4 story warehouse. There are balconies surrounding the building and small doors to get in/out on every wall, though there is a huge skylight window on the roof of the warehouse. (Which, spoiler alert, will be smashed in the to.) [ Rules & Regulations/Restrictions ] I - I've noticed this in some of the less story-based Roleplays so I want to make it clear to anyone joining this one. You do not make events. You do not make big changes. You can do only what your character is capable of doing by themselves. (unless in life or death situation in-RP) II - For the sake of keeping things small at first, you can only make one character. If you sacrifice/die by the end but still want to participate in the next installment, create a new character. Though preferably do not make them in anyway related to your previous character. I don't care if someone does a "my brother (previous character) is dead so I (new character) must avenge him", but if someone is already doing that, be different. I don't want the team to be full of vengeful relatives. III - Typical keep it PG-13 at best, No Godmodding, PTK, etc. IV - Don't make fight scenes 3 pages or more, unless it's to, let's say, distract the bad guy so the others can seek past and do something. That is okay, though if you're just fighting for the heck of it, don't make it last too long. Most of the bad guy's attacks against you will either be controlled by yourself or me. V - Since this is a story completely made by me, I will not be accepting admins and will be the only person allowed to accept character sheets. I don't want to sound vain and self-dependent, but I am the only one who knows this story inside and out. [ Extra Notes ] I will be using the characters apart of the story in this, though to be fair, I will write character sheets for each one of them, both because I enjoy writing character sheets and you guys need to know who you're working with. My main protagonist that will be focused on the most will be Ben M., though equal time shown between each character will be provided for character development. Also- /Don't be afraid to get weird. Of course, you have to be human, but you can shake things up. One of the canon characters of this story wields a cursed blade which turns her into a ghost warrior later in the series after she dies. Another canon character is turned into a cyborg because his physical form was altered in the main bad guy's evil device. Be weird.
#219181288Sunday, June 18, 2017 8:57 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#219181459Sunday, June 18, 2017 9:00 PM GMT

The sign up thread should still be on the first page.
#219183216Sunday, June 18, 2017 9:27 PM GMT

#219183649Sunday, June 18, 2017 9:34 PM GMT

Left a question on the sign up sheet.
#219222146Monday, June 19, 2017 11:19 AM GMT

Bump x2
#219238303Monday, June 19, 2017 5:17 PM GMT

(when are we going to start?)
#219242080Monday, June 19, 2017 6:15 PM GMT

(When I write the introduction, which won't be until I get enough people. 5 at least.)
#219396254Wednesday, June 21, 2017 8:42 PM GMT

Bump x3

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