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#21945605Wednesday, March 03, 2010 9:38 PM GMT

Screaming. So much screaming. The blood, and the gunfire, and the screaming. It went through you like a VibroLancer. You'd heard about the horrors of war before. You'd learned about it in drills, practised it in the simulations. But nothing, NOTHING, can match the battlefield. Buildings crumpled like cardboard sheets, buckling under the force of strafing runs. You can remember yells of 'fall back!' as squads pressed further into the city. You can remember seeing a flag bearing NUOC colours fly high over the City Administration Center. You can remember the cheers of victory mixed with the dying breaths of the defeated ESEA defenders. Then, silence. It's 2381. 3 months since the Nationalists's Union of Conquest (NUOC) took over Albanodic, the capital colony of the formerly Earth Space Exploration Alliance (ESEA) owned planet Konis. The NUOC soon fanned out, disrupting and capturing the rest of the planet's cities. The ESEA were taken completely by surprise. Although the NUOC had always had cold relations with the ESEA, this was the first open act of war to strike. The ESEA were virtually powerless to do anything. The nearest reasonably-sized fleet was several light years away. If they tried to hyperspace in, the NUOC's Hyper Jammers would ensure that the fleet fell through a hole in space-time. The NUOC are a political faction that seceded from the ESEA sometime in 2200, shortly after the invention of hyperspace drives. They fled far away from Sol, choosing to inhabit the more outlying areas on the edges of the galaxy. These planets, however, were poor food and mineral wise. The ESEA had much brighter pickings. Konis seemed to be leading in civilian machinery and food production. A perfect target. However, the conquest was not widely accepted. Some protested in the streets. Some spread slander and lies about NUOC politicians and officials. Some took up handfuls of Laser-vulcans and Laser-rifles, fleeing to the underground to pursue espionage work. These resisters call themselves the Campaigners for Konis Peace Restoration (CKPR). Who do you stand by? Will you aid the NUOC in turning Konis into a warship powerhouse? Or will you help the CKPR in making sure that the above does not happen at all costs? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RULES ~No Ubering. ~No Godmodding. ~Story Roleplay only. If you don't know what that is, go find out first. ~As a CKPR soldier, you would get ripped apart in open battles. Stick to the shadows and plan your attack stealthily. ~As an NUOC soldier, try and force the CKPR out into the open. The alleyways and rooftops are their territory; they'll murder you if you go in there. ~No controlling other characters. ~Just generally be sensible. Use your common sense. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CKPR Sheet Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Armor (Something light and easy to carry. Remeber you'll be running a lot.): Weapons (Again, something light. A sidearm or sniper rifle is the best choice.): Special ability (Something like 'can run faster than most' or 'can climb any building with ease'): Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Bio (Required, but doesn't have to be long): NUOC Sheet Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Armor (Something heavy, with a helmet. You'll need it to withstand constand CKPR harrying): Weapons (Again, something heavy. A machine gun could rip right through that light CKRP armor.): Grenade type (Frag, concussion, sticky, etc.): Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Bio (Required, but doesn't have to be long):
#21946263Wednesday, March 03, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

are the NUOC supposed to have a special ability, or is that CKPR only?
#21946636Wednesday, March 03, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

-lurks- I'm not very good at roleplaying this type of Rp, so I'll watch.
#21946871Wednesday, March 03, 2010 9:59 PM GMT

Name: Josh A.ge: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Small muscle buildup, Brown coarse stubble, Green eyes. Pale skin, Brown un-cleaned hair. Armor (Something light and easy to carry. Remeber you'll be running a lot.): Light Full bodyarmour, Resistance spraypainted on an arm. Weapons (Again, something light. A sidearm or sniper rifle is the best choice.): Laser MP-40? Special ability (Something like 'can run faster than most' or 'can climb any building with ease'): Agile Personality: Un-Serious and Goodwilled. Likes: Resisting Dislikes: Dictators Bio: Born in the planet, leading a wealth life in the city when the attack sprung. Since then, Josh as resisted against the NCOU.
#21946881Wednesday, March 03, 2010 9:59 PM GMT

Name: Roan Bass Ag.e: 32 Gender: M Appearance: Large scar over right eye. Deep grey eyes. Grey, spiked-up hair. None of these are visible under his gas-mask. Armor: Gas-mask covering head, with NUOC helmet on top of gas-mask. Black titanium plate armor with red streaks. Holster for Laser-shredder on back. Gas-mask eye holes tinted red. Large boots with small spikes on soles. Weapons: Laser shredder (portable machine gun with very high rate of fire and low-caliber bullets), Ripper (miniature chainsaw used as melee weapon) Grenade type: Frag Personality: Stone-cold and unforgiving. Likes: Overseeing the workers, and making sure the job gets done. Dislikes: People slacking off. Bio: Bass (Or Thunder, as he is known to most common soldiers) has earned himself a notorious reputation for making sure the workers under his steely eyes meet their deadlines, whatever the cost, in credits or lives. Off duty, he's actually easygoing and is quick with a smile, but just don't bring up the subject of his scar. He'll see you go without food rations until the next work project begins. And some work projects can take months.
#21946949Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

(NUOC soldiers forgo agility in favor of grenades.)
#21947415Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:08 PM GMT

Bump. Start when someone else joins.
#21947496Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

(Would Join , But too busy.)
#21947772Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:13 PM GMT

Bump. You know, I could have just copypasted one of my old RPs like I usually do, bu no. I made a new one, just for you. And next-to-no-one joins.
#21948071Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:17 PM GMT

Name: Kenneth Sayer. A.ge: 63. Gender: Male. Appearance: tall, grey eyes, light brown hair with grey streaks. Armor: Kevlar anti-stab vest, pilot's helmet. Weapons: Shock Rifle, Laser Pistol. Special ability: good combat skills, ability to climb walls from DNA mutation around 74 generations ago. Personality: intelligent, not very funny but likes to be happy. Likes: the sea. donuts. Dislikes: idiots. Bio: captain of the family's space ferry, been in the family for around 10 generations, when it became out of date, was replaced, and given to them. around 74 generations ago, another member of his family, also called Kenneth, found himself trapped on an ocean research station with mutations of lizard DNA after drinking some chemicals he thought was water.
#21948259Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

(I can't resist Sci-Fis.... Name: Zedex "Shadow" Crage Ag.e: 14 Gen.der:Male Appearance:Very dark brown, messy hair, tan skin, blue eyes, white T-shirt and blue jeans(If not wearing armor) Armor:A thin, light, black metal body armor, covering neck to feet. Weapons: Two poisoned daggers in left and right pockets of armor, and two arm daggers on right and left wrists of the armor, and a side weapon is a laser sniper rifle, attached to the back of the armor Special ability:Being stealthy Personality: Brave, serious, quiet Likes: Standing in the shadows Dislikes: NUOC Bio:Zedex is a fine young man, when it comes to athletics, stealth, and sword wielding. His nickname "Shadow" came from his stealthyness.
#21948267Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

('mutations of lizard DNA after drinking some chemicals he thought was water') (Oh, I see what you did there. Blast from the past.) Anyway, you guys start. I'm bad at starting.
#21948488Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:24 PM GMT

(Weapon Change: Can I have Some sort of Light-weight rifle, Like a Vibro-Lightweight or something)
#21948497Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:24 PM GMT

(Mmk then. I'm great at starting threads.) I was standing against a wall underground, head down, armor on, waiting for the next fight. "..........." I said nothing, I wasn't the kind of guy of talking, more of the guy of action.
#21948672Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

(Yes, warrior, you can)
#21948992Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:31 PM GMT

Kenneth never did forgive himself for crashing the Archealon. but he supposed, couldnt blame himself. there was nothing he could have done to bring the guidance system back online. he had been trying to rebuild the ruddy thing for around twenty years. then this happened. well, he wanted it over with, but he was'nt the type of person to leave the good guys in the lurch.
#21949110Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:33 PM GMT

free bump btw ill join
#21949160Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:34 PM GMT

(i gtg to sleep now. bai.)
#21949257Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

Bass was standing on a balcony, looking over the massive work deck below. This was one of Konis's largest factories. It had been converted into a heavy tank platform. This batch was being sent to reinforce a losing battle near the planet's equator. Of course, being the largest factory, it was always a big target for CKPR forces. It used around-the-clock guards, sentry guns and tripwires to keep the workers in, and keep the resisters out. (*ahem* your cue, CKPR *ahem)
#21949771Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

Name: John Fatle Age: Gender: Male Appearance: long black hair going down to his shoulders,wheres a green beret instead of helmet, dark brown eyes, scar across left eye Armor:green beret,light flak jacket(capable of withstanding 7.62x51 mm bullets), Black boots, black sleevles top under flak jacket, light upper leg padding,jeans, fingerless gloves with metal on knuckels Weapons:Rambo style. capable of utilizing any weapon. Grenade type:semtex grenade(sticky) Personality: Badas, actions speek louder than words kinda guy Likes: guns Dislikes: gun-haters Bio: originaly resistance, was captured by NUOC and converted to NUOC(basicaly, he is a traitor ) side:NUOC he wears mostly med-light stuff so he can easily utilize any weapon and quickly get around the battlefield
#21949816Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

my last name is pronounced (Fatal)
#21949860Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:44 PM GMT

"Hey, Shadow, go take a ride to the planet's equator, we're winning right now, but you never know..." One of the commanders said. "....." I still said nothing, but I hopped onto a ship to the equator.
#21949862Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:44 PM GMT

can we start?
#21949996Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:46 PM GMT

hey whos the leader of the NUOC?
#21950160Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:49 PM GMT

dude this is going to crash and burn if noone says anything

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