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#21973Monday, April 09, 2007 7:18 PM GMT

Hio! So i have been working on a new project.... well part of it, and i have run into some trouble with the leaderboard stuff. I am trying to make a box, that if you drop a certian brick into it, it will up one of your leaderboard stats. So, if you were to take a brick that was named "money" in your hand tool and bring it over to a little box, and drop it in it could up a stat... it doesnt matter what the name of the stat is.... it could be anything, like Coolness. So, if you drop that money into the box your coolness goes up by 1. Note, i am not trying to make the money and coolness thing lol, that was just my example. If anyone has any helpfull ideas, scripts parts, anything, or a complete answer to this question that would be great! I could use all the help i can get, since i am already a little behind on this project. Koopa
#21976Monday, April 09, 2007 7:20 PM GMT

coldent you just use the money script and modify it
#21982Monday, April 09, 2007 8:11 PM GMT

So what you're saying is to have the player who drags the brick over the "coolness" box and drops it in, and his/her coolness or cash goes up. That'd be a little complex, since you would have to make the brick remember who drug the brick last, which I don't even know how to do. However, if you made it so that if you touch the brick, the brick can be made to remember you touching it, then you could drag it and drop it into the box, and then track you being the player to touch it last, and then you could script it to give you the goods.
#22006Monday, April 09, 2007 9:18 PM GMT

Yes, that was one of the problems i thought of.... I wasnt sure if i could do that or not, like if i could get it to remember who dragged it there... I guess i wouldnt need to do that if it wasnt possible, i could work around it if i could get everything together. The money script thing that you are talking about wouldnt work because i am not talking about a humanoid touching the brick, but a specific piece. I could look at it though, and see if it gives me some clues. Koopa
#22059Tuesday, April 10, 2007 4:37 AM GMT

Hio! I noticed that my Frostmoor WWC level was still copy-locked, so I undid it. You might check out the scripts there as there is quite a bit of leaderboard hacking going on. In particular, I made gold bricks that when touched add to your "Power Level", and I have a rocket weapon that reads this Power Level to decide how big of an explosion to make on impact. Your problem of knowing which player dragged a block onto another is a hard one that I don't know the answer to. I have some ideas for hacks, but it is hard to know what to suggest without knowing more about your project. Here are two possibilities: 1. Look through all the players in the map and award points to the one who is closest when the dragged brick touches the other brick. This won't always be the person doing the dragging, but it often will. I think there is also a way to know whether a particular player has the Grab tool selected - so you could give it to the closest player who has the Grab tool selected. Not 100%, but not bad. 2. Make a mechanism in-game that makes it so you know who has to be doing the dragging. For example, make a long tunnel (with one exit) and place the special brick at the end of it. You can watch players entering and leaving the tunnel through the one exit, so you know who had to do the dragging when the special brick's OnTouch event fires. Depending on what you are doing, this could be too ugly to work. Is this for the mining mini-game? If so why not make a different special brick for each player? Other players can drag gems into your money bin, but it only helps you if they do. That turns the whole problem on its head. - SOS
#22067Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:14 PM GMT

Hio! yes, you are right on this is for the mining mini game. I am not totally sure what you mean by "it only helps you if they do". Like are you saying if someone brings something into the bin, it only helps one selected person on that team? My other idea, if it wasnt possible to tell who dragged the brick to the bin, was to just give points to everyone in the game. Even the people on the other team would get the points. At the end of the game it would take the score from one of the players of the red team and the blue team, and it would then determine the winner. I am not quite sure on how to give the points to all the players though... i do not do well with leaderboards..... obviously lol. Oh and your first idea, would work, i would just make it so the blue team couldnt get near the bin of the red team, and ditto for the blue. I hope i remember to say everything i wanted there.... i think i am forgetting something.... ah well. Koopa
Top 100 Poster
#22100Tuesday, April 10, 2007 6:31 PM GMT

this is * * for me....... ¤ i didn't read to well to...
#22221Wednesday, April 11, 2007 5:11 PM GMT

Huh?? Sorry, i needed to bump this one though lol..... Koopa
#22716Saturday, April 14, 2007 3:07 PM GMT

Here is a little bump. Needed. Sorry. Simple? Koopa
#22900Sunday, April 15, 2007 5:53 PM GMT

Maybe i will change this one up abit. If i make them touch it first, i could then tag them.... sorry i also needed this bump along with my other question... Koopa
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