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#21982115Thursday, March 04, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#21982409Thursday, March 04, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

N.a.m.e: Alexander Ovechkin G.e..n.d.e.r: Male A.g.e: 19 F.a.c.t.i.o.n: Russian M.a.f.i.a W.e.a.p.o.n.s: Glcok 22 and Knife M.o.n.e.y: $ 100 N.a.t.i.o.n.a.l.i.t.y: Russian A.p.p.e...a.r.a.nce: A Handgun Shaven into Hair. Short Hair. Brown eyes. Pale-ish skin Bio:
Top 100 Poster
#21983136Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

N.ame: Hans Kale Ge.nder: Male A.ge: 26 F.act.ion: The Lost Brotherhood, Algonquin Chapter We.ap.ons: Glock 22, Knife Mo.ney: $300 Nati.on.ality: German Ap.pe.arance: Black glasses, leather jacket, black pants, black shoes Bi.o: Hans was born in Ger.many and his father, Viktor Kale, was killed in a drive by. His mother beca.me ill and soon passed away, leaving Kale by himself. He made a living for himself by doing work for the very gang that killed his father. Once he became twenty-three, he launched an attack on the gang, greatly weakening it. They fl.ed to Liberty City, trying to escape. Enra.ged, Hans followed them. Sho.rtly after arriving, the Lost recruited him and assigned him to the newest chapter.
#21983367Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

I was awoking by several loud Beeps. I slammed my alarm. I swung my legs round off the bed. I grabbed my jeans off the floor. I grabbed my shirt, Pulling it on. I walked downstairs. I grabbed my jacket and Glock. I placed it in my jeans, My Knife in my jacket. I put my trainers on. I left my apartment. I walked to my driveway. I grabbed my Sanchez, I sat on it. I pulled my Helmet on. I sped off to meet the rest of the mafia
Top 100 Poster
#21984652Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

We walked down the front steps. The leader of the chapter, Leon, walked up to his bike. The other three brothers, Rodney, Pat, and Ben, followed his lead. I hoped onto my bike, a Zombie. As we rode down the street Leon said, "Brothers, one of my clients said that they saw the diamonds over at Middle Park. So, as you probably guessed, that's where we're going." At Middle Park, we got off our bikes and walked down the paved walkway in Middle Park. I saw Pegorinos shooting at some Koreans that were advancing on their position. "Here Hans, you're gonna need it." Pat handed me a sawn-off shotgun. "Why thank you, Patrick." I said as I examined my new possession. "Give us the diamonds or we'll end all of your lives!" Leon yelled as he pointed his grenade launcher at the Koreans. As the Koreans began firing at us, we scrambled as we ran for cover behind nearby trees. As we catiously returned fire, I noticed Leon calling somebody on his cellphone. Soon enough, more Koreans came running from all sides. For a brief second, I thought we would soon be dead. But like I said, it was only for a brief second. I was relieved when two Lost slamvans came driving at the Koreans. Within seconds, the slamvans had ran over the Koreans around us, allowing us to continue firing at the remaining ones. The two vans parked infront of the trees, backsides facing us. Brian and Conan hoped out of the two vans and ran to the back. The quickly opened the back doors to reveal two large stockpiles of weapons. As we all huddled around the vans, we scream, "Lost for life!"
#21984699Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

Na.me:Zlatko Lechkov Gen.der:Male Ag.e:43 Fact.ion:Undecided (if allowed) Weap.ons: Baseball bat, uzi Mon.ey: (Don't start with a lot)$495 Natio.nality:Bulgarian Appear.ance:(my roblox char) Bio:Disgraced from the army, Zlatko moved to liberty city for a better life. It was the land off oppertunity, where dreams come true he was told. But dreams dont become reality unless you work hard for it...and dont slip up.
Top 100 Poster
#21984716Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

This got [Content Deleted]?! I am quite sad.
#21984755Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:42 PM GMT

(IT still lives!)
#21984808Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:43 PM GMT

(Shame, I was going to Join. Anyways, Marinte, POST ON APARTMENTEH thingy.)
Top 100 Poster
#21984981Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:46 PM GMT

If you wish to join, please go to the following link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:PorkytheHedgehog
#22010620Friday, March 05, 2010 7:51 AM GMT

I parked my Sanchez. I climbed off the bike. I walked inside, "Alexander Here," Niko said, shoving a AK-47 into my hands. "We are Robbing a bank," He added. Ivan climbed in the front of the van. I climbed into the back with the rest of them. The Van sped off to the bank. We pulled Balaclavas on. "Remeber Watch yourselves!" Niko said. We climbed out, We walked slowly into the Bank. People outside watching us. As we entered a Cop grabbed Yuri. "No you don't!" I said, Plunging my knife in him. He fell, bleeding. "GET DOWN!" Niko Yelled. He went to gather the money. People inside hit the deck. I fired taking the cameras out. The Alarm went off. "GO GO GO!" Niko Yelled after he had the money. I ran to the back-door, I fired. The Door fell from its hinges. We ran out. I removed my Balaclava and threw it to the floor. Ivan drifted into the Alleyway, hidden from the Police. I pulled the doors open, I climbed in followed by the rest. We shut the doors. The Van zoomed off down the streets, Changing direction every now and again. I smiled at Niko, "Good Job," Niko said, "Your Brother would be proud," He added. The Van pulled up into a Garage. I climbed out and grabbed the bag of Money. I walked into the Main living area. I dropped the money onto the table. I laid my AK onto the Table. I grabbed a Soda, I took a sip and Walked to sit on a Sofa.
#22017788Friday, March 05, 2010 5:52 PM GMT

(I'm Clafter, Bump)
#22022385Friday, March 05, 2010 8:33 PM GMT

Lets get it up there
Top 100 Poster
#22025757Friday, March 05, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

Quickly, I managed to grab an automatic pistol. Once we were done gathering our new weapons, Brian and Conan parked the vans so we would recieve the most cover we could. Leon was firing grenades from his 'nade launcher. Quickly losing men, the mafia retreated. "Brothers, hop in the vans!" Leon yelled to us. Conan and Brian hoped in their vans and the five us also hoped in, three in one, two in the other. I was in the van with Conan and Rodney. Conan expertly drove down the streets in hot pursuit of the diamonds. We opened the back doors, sawn-off shotguns in firing position. Enemy back up arrived, there were now four durable black cars behind our two vans. Pat, Ben, Rodney, Leon, and I began firing at them as Brian and Conan followed out targets. One of Leon's 'nades went through the windshield and caused the driver and passengers to panic. They tried to jump out, but they were to late, the grenade exploded, destroying the car and killing them in the explosion.
#22026664Friday, March 05, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

I took my share of the money, I knew about the Diamonds. I was going to be quiet. I pulled my helmet on and climbed on my Sanchez, I followed the Diamonds. I swung my AK round my shoulders. Niko was covering the rooftops. I Sped quicker after the Diamonds. 2 Limos Followed me, Full of Russians. My Men, Just incase things got bad.

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