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#220000086Thursday, June 29, 2017 2:28 AM GMT

So I see a lot of people complaining about Robux, builders club, and how Tix was removed almost a year ago (It's been that long get over it) I, however, have a possible solution. Of course, it's not a fully fledged detailed plan, but it is a suggestion nonetheless. What if Roblox was to bring back Tix, but there was a certain amount of Tix in Roblox, and it was a set amount (would only change by about 1,000,000 every 10,000 players who join. When someone buys something with Tix, that amount of Tix would be added in the Tix deposit (where all the not owned Tix stay), and you only get Tix from going onto Roblox daily. The amount you would receive each day depended on the amount of Tix in the reservoir. Builders club however would not receive Tix, because they receive Robux for each daily login. I can elaborate more if needed, and obviously this probably won't happen, but it is an idea nonetheless, and I wanted some feedback to see if there were any changes that could be made.
#220000681Thursday, June 29, 2017 2:37 AM GMT

So basically an actual economy? support ME LLAMO JEFF
#220001853Thursday, June 29, 2017 2:56 AM GMT

Semisupport. Definite support for fleshing out the economy and making it more realistic and balanced.
#220002127Thursday, June 29, 2017 3:00 AM GMT

ehhhhhhh nah they don't care they're just greedy r+://889096906

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