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#220168170Saturday, July 01, 2017 4:12 AM GMT

I'm here if you need a decent builder for a reasonable price. I'm not trying to make myself out as some master architect or Leonardo Da Vinci, but I have a strong passion in building and enjoy it - the only problem is a lack of motivation. I end up ditching half built projects because I don't feel like building anymore, and I believe that an incentive such as Robux will help me achieve more than when I'm unsure of the final product. I will build anything you want within realistic terms - if you are unsatisfied then I can make changes free of charge. Even though I want some Robux, I genuinely want to improve as a builder and I definitely think I have some untapped potential. I'm not going to lie - hiring me is a big risk, but I'll work my hardest to achieve perfection - I can guarantee you that. My discord is @k1llerdudez #7735, you can either PM me or reply to this post. Since I'm Non-BC, I'll only be accepting group funds. I don't really have any presentable example builds, but you don't have to pay me if you're not satisfied with the product. I will open my place for inspection and if you are pleased I will share it with you on TeamCreate.
#220170952Saturday, July 01, 2017 4:53 AM GMT

If you want an example build here it is but it's only half built: https://www.roblox.com/games/699371557/Modern-House-WIP
#220171547Saturday, July 01, 2017 5:02 AM GMT

#220171740Saturday, July 01, 2017 5:05 AM GMT

Send a discord message.
#220175963Saturday, July 01, 2017 6:25 AM GMT

Hi, If you are reading this please contact me on Twitter @DigitalRBX or reply on this post! Sincerely, DigitalCreation
#220253160Sunday, July 02, 2017 3:37 AM GMT

Yeah I'm interested. Do you have discord? Sorry for the late reply I was busy with someone else. Add me on discord my name is @k1llerdudez#7735

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