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#220283749Sunday, July 02, 2017 1:14 PM GMT

You must greet all customers with "Hello welcome to Ispento Cafe I am (insert YOUR NAME)!, What would you like today?" Under no circumstances SWEARING IS NOT ALLOWED. If YOU cannot remember a certain long order open another tab or system to WRITE IT DOWN, If a customer tries to order something that is not on the menu please let them know. Trust me nothing is worst than waiting for nothing and the customers might give you a piece of their mind to let you know. If you are a manager please assist customers who have not been here and you must give ME a report on anything that happened when I come to supervise.WARNING if you harass customers you will get PERM BANNED ! If you need a day off please post on group wall so that I can see. Workdays are Monday to Friday Hours 11:00am to as long as your available, but I will automatically close up at at 10:45pm, Yes people are allowed to take your shift but you have show up at least once a week. Please show all customers respect if you need to find this page again the link will be on group info. Thank You all for reading the rules I hope to you and these rules implemented at the Ispento Coffee Shop soon !!! BYE :D

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