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#220578029Thursday, July 06, 2017 3:34 AM GMT

Well well well, its been a while, but im back, and im in charge of last weeks RNFL Talk. This was a good week, got some good things in store for you guys. WEEK IN REVIEW Starting off the week we had the Ducks (0-2) and the Tigers (1-1) facing off. The tigers came off a Hail Mary TD Win against the stars. The game was a good one, the Tigers scored first, but the ducks fired back, and eventually won the game 40-30. Kratos had a handful of passing TD's, but also threw a 90 yard pick 6 to harlemshaker. Canadian had a handful of passing TD's and a rushing TD as well, but threw an int at the start of the game, but did not after that. The ducks take this one to move ahead of the Tigers in the division. The Reapers and Stars played later that night. The reapers are the worst team in the league, and they played like that to start. The game started with back to back ints. It was a low scoring game, 14-7 at halftime, with the Stars up. However, with the stars missing many key players, the Reapers fought back and tied it up 14-14 in the second half. With the clock winding down, the Stars QB throws an int, the Reapers have the ball at the stars 20 with 3 seconds left, and decide to kidk a field goal, however it is blocked, and the game goes into overtime. The stars would recieve the kick, but would throw an interception, and the Reapers QB ran a 20 yard touchdown for the win, 20-14 in overtime. Wildcats and Raiders i unfortunately could not make, however the Wildcats won 29-6, with them having much more fire power than the Raiders, sorry for the short description :/ Power Rankings 1-Wildcats They are completely dominating this season, with players like Young (and all the people that follow him everywhere he goes AKA Drew and ##### and a few others), Julio and all his recruits, and now Max. Who can beat this team? 2-Raiders Raiders might have took an L but they are still a solid squad with some good players at a lot of positions and good formations, however they struggle with chemistry but they can improve that soon. 3-Ducks Now a lot of y'all might be spamming "BIAS" soon, but let me explain. 1:The Stars lost to the Tigers with all of their key players there for each team, we beat the Tigers by 10! 2:We may have lost to the Stars week 1, however that was with us missing a lot of key players (coolU, savage, mattias, astrumis) and them having all their star players there. Not to mention we almost won the game if it weren't for me having to leave and us having to play a QB who has never played a down at QB before in his RNFL career. Anyways this team is a good team with a small, but good roster, they have chemistry as they are the only ones that hold regular practices. 4-Stars This was a tough decision for the 3/4 spots between ducks and stars, but i have decided ducks have the edge for now. Stars are a good team with a lot of RNFL vets, like little, kill, ted, and sonic. they also have some middle age guys in B_eans, and some young stars as well, but this teamed played very bad week 3, they threw a lot of ints, and lost in OT. However im excited to see this team bounce back week 4, i expect them to play well, but they play the wildcats, and they are OP, so they most likely will lose. ######## ##### they took one massive L, after taunting the other team in the first quarter, they find themselves losing by multiple scores in the fourth. #### ######### ##### they played too confident, and choked, they threw ints, messed up on coverages, and dropped open passes. Thats what happens when youre too cocky, but this team could bounce back, I dont think they can beat the raiders, but be ready for the upcoming weeks. 6-Reapers Yes, i know they won, but their roster or skill hasnt changed much since last week. The stars were missing a lot of key players that would have definitely turned the tide of the game, and they only won by 6 in OT. Not to mention they dont really have a QB, as about 3-4 different QB's played for them in the game. This team doesnt really have a clear path rn, unless foles comes back... Juli##########er Rankings 1-W############################################################################ Week 4 Denver Raiders @ Milwaukee Tigers (7/8 6:00 PM ET) Raiders 36-20 Tigers Houston Stars @ D.C. Wildcats (7/9 7:30 PM ET) Stars ##### ######## # # ##### thanks for tuning in, make sure to check in next time Peace and keep it real

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