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#220682406Friday, July 07, 2017 8:19 AM GMT

DELETE ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## SAFECHAT
#220682984Friday, July 07, 2017 8:40 AM GMT

This is a game for kids..the safechat should be there cause there might be fricking kids in a server or even at Chat&Party.So i really want to remove safechat to ut it wont be deleted :C
#220683720Friday, July 07, 2017 9:08 AM GMT

Have you guys have heard about parents complaining that their kid either got kidnapped or received "sickening" messages? I say that Roblox should just stop listening to these parents. Why? Because THEY are the reason we have terrible updates like the filter and default colors. Here's how it started. A long time back, some parent complained to Roblox because his child got kidnapped by a stranger. Apparently, it was because the child wasn't safe on the Internet and the parents didn't realize this and complained to Roblox. Roblox thought it was their fault, so they decided to use the broken filter from Community Sift. YES, A BROKEN FILTER. This eventually led up to a few parents complaining that their child received "sickening" messages from predators. AND WHAT THEY DIDN'T REALIZE IS THAT THEY COULD SET THEIR AGE TO UNDER XIII OR THEY COULD JUST TURN OFF THE CHAT COMPLETELY. What bothers me is that o ne of the children who received "sickening" messages gave away their age and gender to those predators. Literally, that means that they don't know how to be safe on the internet. And sadly, Roblox decided to listen to those complaining parents, and now we have default colors. It's sad that we have to bypass it just to make our avatar seem normal again. I'm warning you Roblox, this game will go downhill if you continue listening to complaining parents who don't even know how to keep their child safe on the Internet. So please, just stop listening to those parents. Thank you. P.S Someone posted this and i wanted to share it with you. #BringTixBack #RemoveChatFilter
#220685092Friday, July 07, 2017 9:57 AM GMT

It's the kid fault not roblox fault
#220685438Friday, July 07, 2017 10:08 AM GMT

#220687774Friday, July 07, 2017 11:11 AM GMT

#220687877Friday, July 07, 2017 11:14 AM GMT

replace filter with pre-made messages, SAFECHAT ~I'm Batman.~
#220689510Friday, July 07, 2017 11:56 AM GMT

I don't agree with this. Why, because ROBLOX is played by kids as well! Do you want a random person to start saying bad words to a little kid that never heard them before? Later on, that kid will think those words are good to say and will start saying them at home! And the kid will get punished! Or maybe kids will give out personal information or real-life information and get hacked/kidnapped? Okay, okay, calm down, person who is reading this post. Safechat shall NOT be removed, but it should not be as strict. Oh, forgot to say. A scammer will (maybe) post an offsite link to a malicious website, and a kid will believe it! That way, the kid will get malware installed. Especially if they are on a parent's computer, THEY WILL GET BADLY PUNISHED! Understand my thought?
#220692118Friday, July 07, 2017 12:51 PM GMT

^ Kids fault not ######## fault

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