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#220787933Saturday, July 08, 2017 1:03 PM GMT

princess package gets mage, pirate gets pirate, every ninja or assassin gets ninja, heroes of robloxia get the knight animation, cartoonish animation goes to sparkle time and neon boombox. korblox deathspeaker gets levitation. agree? need changes? let me know. I just Love to Mass Debate.
#220788072Saturday, July 08, 2017 1:06 PM GMT

robot is self explanitory, old man could go to santa Claus 🎅 and zombie is also self explanitory.
#220788338Saturday, July 08, 2017 1:12 PM GMT

Eh no i dont agree because only for this reason well and a couple more. Here is the fir st reason why. If they start mixing packages the server that ur in is going to be super glitchy and laggy. Plus there not gonna take everything apart on what they did to stop the lag with the animations again. And before they came out that took forever so yeah there not going to do it. But cool idea tho! :) Ẏ̸̧̼̓͐̈́̇͝o̶͕͂͛͋̅͜s̷͔̝͇̻̫̗̻̗̟̉̀̎̅̀̿̒́̈͘͠h̴̛̛͉̣̦̱͈̘͆̊̉̈́͝ḭ̸̄̓̒̕
#220788792Saturday, July 08, 2017 1:21 PM GMT

so if i were to switch my animation package to stylish, is gameplay going to change? no, it wont. think about it, hundreds of people are forced to play with r15 on roblox waterpark, is the game laggy? no!(unless you are using a crapbook pro)
#220789786Saturday, July 08, 2017 1:40 PM GMT

LOL ok sorry i was mis understanding on what you were saying i thought we were saying like mix animations with body parts so like you have ur charector then on e part of your arm would have r15 and the other was normal. SORRY XD Ẏ̸̧̼̓͐̈́̇͝o̶͕͂͛͋̅͜s̷͔̝͇̻̫̗̻̗̟̉̀̎̅̀̿̒́̈͘͠h̴̛̛͉̣̦̱͈̘͆̊̉̈́͝ḭ̸̄̓̒̕

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