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#221373615Saturday, July 15, 2017 3:18 AM GMT

Dear ROBLOX execs, Hi, RatchetChefCurry here, writing this to offer ROBLOX an obviously simple yet tremendously impactful way to change their business model in order to experience success and consumer satisfaction with their product: LISTEN TO YOUR COMMUNITY. There, I said it. Wasn't that simple? I mean, it doesn't take an individual with a college degree to figure out that releasing updates that upset the majority of your user base isn't the smartest business move. Now, I know it's a tough pill######################## mark on an update must be frustrating, especially with this kind of backlash--but one must admit his or her faults before he or she can change for the better. Now, upon reflection, this issue of ignoring the community stems back to when the execs at ROBLOX decided to remove an incredibly popular feature of their site: the Tix currency. Although ROBLOX execs cited Tix as bad for the ROBLOX economy and confusing to new players, the obvious reason behind the removal was to increase the company's bottom line. Without Tix, players would be forced to purchase Robux further increasing the company's profits. However, Tix offered players the opportunity to test out ROBLOX's economy and, ultimately, the Tix currency system could have served as a way to retain players on the site. Even after after the community voiced its opposition to the currency's removal, ROBLOX still decided to remove it. Now, ROBLOX once again is ignoring players' concerns regarding the new forum update taking place on July 27th. As soon as the update was announced, players took to the forums to voice their opposition against consolidating the forums into only five sub-forums. Various concerns include: the destruction of established communities that reside in the current sub-forums, a lack of space for ROBLOXians to discuss other topics besides ROBLOX, such as sports, music, of role-play, and the removal of a space to voice suggestions and improvements to ROBLOX, etc. One must only look through the various sub-forums to realize that this update is incredibly unpopular. These sub-forums provide ROBLOXians a safe space to communicate with each other about topics of interest, form new friendships, and develop communication skills. However, ROBLOX has yet to address these concerns and has decided to move forward with the forum consolidation. Keeping these sub-forums would be in the interest of ROBLOX execs as these various communities draw new players into the site and retain older players. While this thread may seem like I'm endlessly bashing ROBLOX and its heads, ROBLOX has numerous strong points and its execs have incorporated user feedback into their product in the past. For example, ROBLOX decided to implement the body color update in which the option to update the color of individual body parts was removed. Although ROBLOX maintained that this update provided a "more authentic less saturated" color palette, no justification was offered to support removing individual body part customization. Instead, player creativity was oppressed and players were forced to choose a single color for their avatars. When the ROBLOX community voiced its opposition against this update, ROBLOX listens to players' feedback and addressed their concerns by allowing players to continue to customize each body part. Although change is incredibly important to progress, it should not be the force that ultimately impedes it. While change has yielded numerous updates that have benefited the community and have made for an incredible ROBLOX product, several have yielded negative results and have left the ROBLOX community feeling isolated and unheard. This thread seeks to address this disconnect between players and product in order to restore this rela############ reestablish the community's voice. Wishing you much success in ROBLOX's future. Best regard, RatchetChefCurry ____________________________________________________________ TL;DR: ROBLOX has released several updates without acknowledging players' concerns: -Removal of Tix -Consolidation of sub-forums While ROBLOX has listened to players in the past, they currently are not doing so which is doing more harm than good. In order to ensure the success of ROBLOX, the relat############een players and product (ROBLOX) can be strengthened by restoring the voice of the ROBLOX community in decisions made by ROBLOX execs. Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment/sign/support/or oppose this thread c:
#221385893Saturday, July 15, 2017 5:30 AM GMT

Support your Suggestion. ROBLOX should listen to their users for criticism and feedback more. It makes the economy better.

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