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#221599391Monday, July 17, 2017 3:58 PM GMT

In July 2017 a newsletter was sent that would change Roblox's forum history since it's change in years. That change would be deprecating the following forums: Entertainment Game Marketing Off Topic ROBLOX Talk ROBLOX events Suggestions & Ideas Help (Technical Support and Account Issues) All Things ROBLOX Roblox will also be releasing a new forum called "Roblox News and Discussion". While this new forum won't deprecate All Things ROBLOX and ROBLOX Talk and instead roll it into a new forum, games meant for ATR ###l now be called "RN&D Team Create", which doesn't have a nice ring to it. Roblox's Customer Service hasn't always been the best, and not every letter gets through, exactly why Help was created. Now days, people treat Help like it's a toy, more and more people abuse Help, and I could see why that's the key point in getting rid of Help. Roblox could at least do something different with people who use titles like "HAHA ROBLOX IS STUPIDER THAN MINECRAFT" and body posts like "LOL ROBLOX U#N#####YOU THOUGHT U WERE SMART LOLOLOL BUT NO U ################### DONT EVEN LOOK AT REPORTS LOLOL I CANT GET BANNED HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA # ### ### ##### NO WONDER YOU HAVENT EVEN BAANNED ME YET IM MORE POWERFUL THAN U! YOU ARE SCARED OF ME! IM A DANGOROUS ENTITY THAT NONE OF YOU "ADMINS"WILL DEFEAT. I WILL DESTROY YOU AND ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS ONE DAY. BEWAAAARRRREEEEEE!" posted by an account that were created by a little kid this month or even week. I remember when I hated hackers and decided to send a letter to Roblox saying they should change their system for reports, and they led me to Suggestions and Ideas. That forum ended up being a good forum because I could gain supporters in a few minutes. Getting rid of the forum means Roblox will have to deal with more letters with suggestions and ideas for Roblox. I understand that there can be posts made by trolls who want attention. Like I said in Help, there's other ways to fix that compared to getting rid of the forum altogether. ROBLOX events hasn't been the most popular forum, with not a lot of threads or posts, but it's a part of the forum nonetheless. I can see how Roblox doesn't want it here, and I have to agree with them, it really hasn't served a purpose. A lot of posts there aren't even related to Roblox events. We really had no problem in ROBLOX Talk other than the raid in May, and that's about it. Mostly it's people who really want to express Roblox, and if we can't do that, it's about time we start making a new motto for Roblox, because they've always lied about imagination when Robloxians can't express themselves in forums. The Lego Hero Factory event's main game is now [ Content Deleted ], for no reason at all other than copyright issues with Lego, another point in imagination being destroyed by Roblox. OT had a point in everything, it was off topic, we really had no point to talk about, so we talked about whatever we wanted to. Roblox just destroyed that, and it's getting to the point where petitions are being made. Game Marketing really had no point, it didn't reach a good thread mark or get a lot of posts, but it still had a point. A lot of games got there because of Game Marketing, and getting rid of it is like making games only for 13+ ###l###########shouldn't be limited to the front page that only 13+ ###l########## do. The Entertainment sections is getting wiped out, and while Creations with ROBLOX wasn't popular, it still had a place, and that's how some videos got popular. Just like Game Marketing, it still had a point, even being a low thread and post forum. There's a Change . org by the same name made by me, so support there if you want.
#221599567Monday, July 17, 2017 4:01 PM GMT

I hate when ROBLOX drops these random and dumb excuses for "good updates" And it's not like they care what we think about it, even if our ideas make complete sense and they don't break any ROBLOX rules
#221599715Monday, July 17, 2017 4:03 PM GMT

Don't deprecate the forums. Please don't.

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