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#221681889Tuesday, July 18, 2017 12:27 PM GMT

i know the reason you guys havent been putting linux on roblox is because theres so much chance for exploiters with linux (with open source and cheat engines and taht stuff) but it should be fine now that you have put in filtering enabled you could also form a partnership with some relatively unknown os such as solus to get more people to an OS while releasing roblox on their software center (you could probably even sell it if you really need to)
#221682148Tuesday, July 18, 2017 12:35 PM GMT

no. roadblocks isn't on linux because linux users aren't as stupid and won't waste as much money on microtransactions
#221682222Tuesday, July 18, 2017 12:38 PM GMT

"no. roadblocks isn't on linux because linux users aren't as stupid and won't waste as much money on microtransactions" what about the people who get their laptop preinstalled with ubuntu by accident?? theyre not the brightest LOL

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