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#221843342Thursday, July 20, 2017 5:11 AM GMT

Owner: Kyleranger101 Admins: CWUOliverQueen, NewAgentCarter, And President Clothes Maker: No Clue/ None Place Maker / Helper : No One Is Trustworthy And Skilled Yet Flash, Wonder Woman Green Arrow r taken from the JL, thats all. U need to appreciate the people in the RP, and do not mess up a RP, if u dont manage in a RP u need to do something to get into the RP U need to ask politely for the admins, there will be 2 admins in the RP all almost all times, so ask them nice for them to use them admin power to help u. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Rules U need to NOT use ur admin to abuse, and stuff. U need to come to 1 RP at least once every two months --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group member rules: Dont work things up in the comments! Dont ask for a RP we have lives (NOT saying that u dont) we will do a RP when we do a RP Dont ask and ask for a role if its taken, its taken, O u can ask for the person who has the role. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Core rules: We do the best we do, so please PLEASE dont ask and ask again, what is said is what is said. Bye and have a good day :D

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