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#221982016Friday, July 21, 2017 9:55 PM GMT

The Black Rose Syndicate, previously named the Ryder Organisation, was first created in 2093, based in Georgia, then during the Atlanta Crisis, soon died. Ryder Org. was originally just a stock-trading business which sold munition and equipment, found by some not-really known guy named Chris who died during the Atlanta Crisis. In the Atlanta Crisis, the organisation soon died out after Lucas did, later on to be reborn and known as the Black Rose Syndicate, which was started off by Chris' son, Quebec in 2103. The organisation began working with trading, although that didn't make much of a profit, soon turned to become a mainly mercenary business which was soon became a well-known, profitable organisation. They operate in both parts of the PRT (North and South) through their own method of transport. BRS now are known in South Side as the 'Dark Flower' due to the badge worn on the mercenaries.

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