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#222140975Sunday, July 23, 2017 7:01 PM GMT

Louisiana State Police Entrance Exam Updated: July 23rd, 2017 FrankValor ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ The first step an individual takes towards becoming a Law Enforcement Officer in Louisiana State Police is filling out an entrance exam. Individuals that meet the criteria will be eligible to fill out an entrance exam, directly sent to the Louisiana State Police Recruiting Division. If the individual has passed the entrance exam, they will be eligible for the Academy and potentially employed. Before an individual fills out and submits an entrance exam, they must: • Pass a criminal background check. • Be fluent in the English language. • Have a basic understanding of the Community Guidelines and Rules. • Have Residency in East Baton Rouge Parish • Be able to install and use Discord. These are communication programs that Department members use on a daily basis. Free to download and mandatory for new applicants. *Take note: While the installation of Discord is mandatory, a microphone to communicate with on the programs are optional. Used by many Department members, it allows for an easier way to get your message across to colleagues or dispatchers.* The following factors are some of those which would be the cause for disqualification of being a potential Candidate: • Convicted of a crime within East Baton Rouge Parish, based on severity. • Any repeated convictions of an offense which indicate a disrespect for the law, a lack of good moral character or disposition towards violence and disorder. • Discharge from previous employment, where such discharge indicates poor behavior and/or an inability adjusting to discipline. • Persons convicted of any domestic violence offense. • Persons whom of which copied material or have committed plagiarizing acts against the Department, its signature County it protects (East Baton Rouge Parish), etc. • Caught exploiting or using third party software within East Baton Rouge Parish or any other location on ROBLOX. • Caught breaking the rules of the Community Guidelines within the East Baton Rouge Parish or any other location on ROBLOX (ties to exploiting and using third party software). ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ If you receive a passing rating: •[1] Send a request to join the Louisiana State Police. You will be accepted as a Cadet, where you will attend the Academy and receive hands-on training and qualification. If you receive a failing rating: •[1] You will not be considered for a position in the Louisiana State Police. The application must be revised and resubmitted. Do not send a request to join the Louisiana State Police until you receive a passing rating. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ENTRANCE EXAM] [COPY AND PASTE TEXT BELOW INTO A MESSAGE TO BE SENT TO: THE COLONEL OF LOUISIANA STATE POLICE!] [NAME]: [DATE AND TIME]: [JOIN DATE]: [NAME(S) OF PREVIOUS EMPLOYER(S)]: [TITLE(S) OF PREVIOUS OCCUPATION(S)]: • Have you been convicted of a serious crime at East Baton Rouge Parish? If so, list the offences below: • Do you have any form of Law Enforcement experience? Mark an X within the box. [] YES [] NO If you marked no, what experiences and training do you desire to receive within the Louisiana State Police? • Why do you think a position with the Louisiana State Police is right for you? • When should a Law Enforcement Officer draw their firearm? When should they discharge (fire) it? • State the important and key aspects of the Community Guidelines and Rules. Why do you believe ROBLOX placed these guidelines and rules for players to follow? • State the flaws and negative impacts the community faces from exploiters and people who use third-party software. Why do you think this is becoming a big problem within ROBLOX nowadays? *[MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS]* [TRAFFIC QUESTIONS] •[1] Is it legal to park next to a fire hydrant? [] Absolutely [] No •[2] When are head and tail lights used among-st automobile? Are they mandatory or optional? [] Optional; rarely or never used within automobiles [] Mandatory; used when visibility is low and in areas of darkness [] Optional; can or cannot be used during the night or day time •[3] When approaching a stop sign you must, [] Come to a complete stop [] Roll through looking both ways [] Ignore and Proceed [BASIC KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS] •[1] As an Officer of the law, while engaged in a physical confrontation (a fist fight) what is the proper measure to take? [] Call backup and fight back with your fists [] Draw your baton and demand the perpetrator to get back [] Draw your firearm and open fire on the perpetrator •[2] As an Officer of the law, while engaged in a foot pursuit with a perpetrator, what is the proper measure to take? [] Call backup and continue on foot [] Draw your firearm and open fire on the perpetrator to stop him/her [] Continue on foot without calling backup [] Let the perpetrator go •[3] As an Officer of the law are you, at any time exempt from any traffic or general laws? [] Absolutely [] Only if the situation permits [] No •[4] During a traffic stop, an Officer should radio in the: [] Unit number, Vehicle make/color, occupants [] Vehicle make/Color, Occupants, Location [] Unit number, Occupants, Location [] Unit number, Vehicle make/Color, Occupants, Location [SHORT ANSWER PARAGRAPH QUESTIONS] Please complete these questions in 4-6 sentences. •[1] In 3-4 sentences, explain why you feel that you stand-out of all of the other candidates applying. What is special about you? Will you be a good addition onto the department? •[2] In 3-4 sentences, explain what you would do in the situation of a normal traffic stop. •[3] In 3-4 sentences, explain the importance of using proper radio codes and language while on-duty. •[4] In 3-4 sentences, explain why it is important for Law Enforcement Officers to uphold the law. •[5] In 3-4 sentences, explain why it is important to remain professional while on-duty. •[6] In 3-4 sentences, explain the importance of the POST Academy. Why did you go through POST? Did you feel like you learned from POST? •[7] In 2-3 sentences, explain why it is important to remain mat ure and respectful, and non-abusive while on-duty. [ENTRANCE EXAM END] Thank you for taking your time to fill out this application! Please make sure you have answered in full sentences and to proof your work as well as filling in the right area. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED TO.... THE COLONEL OF LOUISIANA STATE POLICE ONLY!

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