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#222331489Tuesday, July 25, 2017 10:37 PM GMT

//[BEGIN LOG]\\ Failure to follow the following rules can result in multiple punishments. Class-E status, termination, probation, ETC. -Respect. Any posts meant to target/attack another player will not be tolerated. Punishments can be: Probation, Class-E status. Approved by the administrator. -Breaches. Breaching a SCP on purpose will usually start a 2 day - 4 week investigation. Punishments for breaches vary on object class and hostility levels. Punishments: Probation, The Goner Punishment, Class-E status. Approved by the administrator. -Ethics. Inability to follow a ethics code will result in a civil case. Only 8 ethics members will be chosen as jury. Punishments: Class-E status. Approved by the administrator. -Recontainment. MTF [REDACTED]-1, Nu-7, Eta-10 and security department (excluding RRT) may not recontain. Punishments vary for department. Punishments: Removed from MTF (MTF), Triple Demotion/exile (SD). The only time when recontaining is allowed from the following departments/TF is if E-11/B-7 is unavailable. Hung Jury. -Spawn killing. Spawn killing will not be tolerated. Wether it be spawn killing a CI, or a fellow foundation personnel. It will not be tolerated. Punishments: Server kick, Server ban, IP ban. Hung Jury. There are other minor rules not listed. If you believe a rule should be listed, please report to the ethics committee, or administrator. //[END LOG]\\

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