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#22269972Wednesday, March 10, 2010 6:36 PM GMT

(THIRD shot at this, first and second time it didnt go well . . .) (Two sheets max) The Academy of Might and Magic (Or AMM for short) is where you were taken to release your true talents of fighting. It has run for 300 Years, training Warriors, Rangers, and Mages. Here is a description of each: Warrior: Warriors favour Melee Weapons, or Crossbows. They are terrible Magicians, great soldiers and can take a punch. Sometimes stupid, they dont make great leaders. Some warriors have boiling rages, so dont annoy them. Ranger: A naturual with Bows, daggers and Natural Magic. Rangers make great leaders, coming from forests, they know how to Summon animals like bears to fight, create traps, poisons, medicines and weapons, and can control Untainted roots. Mage: Mages cast spells to benefit allies, or punish enemies. They favour Staffs and Orbs. Mages are the best leaders, with brilliant minds, because they study, rather than train with weapons. Apprentice Mages can cast either Wind, Fire, or Water. Your rank in The Academy depends on how many years you have been at the Academy. When you first come, you will have a marking, depending on what class you are, on your hand. Each year, a new part of it glows. When it reaches full, you can either leave the Academy or train for another Five Years, gaining another mark on the other side. First Year - Novice Second Year - Apprentice Third Year - Journeyman Fourth Year - Expert Fifth Year - Master --------------------------- Many different races come to the Academy, including strange and peculiar ones... Human: The Academy is in the Home-lands of the Humans. Most people at the Academy are Humans, who have no restrictions for any class. Elves: Elves come from their homeland of Altagar, with Superior Sword fighting, Archery and Magic, better than the Human Apprentices, even as a Novice. Dwarves: Dwarves come from underground of the Human homelands. Dwarves are the best Warriors, the worst Archers and cannot do magic. Sk'rivvans: Sk'rivvans are upright, sentient Snow Leopards that come from the Elven homelands, from the mountains. They are normal Warriors, exellent Archers and Better-Than-Average Mages. (Name has to have a 'Ska' for males or 'Insk' for females) Orcs: Orcs are the strongest known race, able to uproot small trees. They are great Warriors, terrible Archers, and unable to do Magic. ------------------------------------ Character Sheet: Name: Ag.e: (20 Max) Race: Class: Rank: Weapons: (Not too strong, not like a Godly Sword) Items: Bio: Group?: Appearance: Pet Class: Name: Ag.e: Type of Animal: Whose pet: Appearence: ----------------------------------- Regulaur Rules Apply ----------------------------------- Posted: 02-24-2010 11:05 AM Name: Ska'drask Ag.e: 17 Race: Sk'rivvan Class: Ranger Rank: Journeyman Weapons: Dual Daggers Items: Smoke orb (When smashed, smoke fills the area, only the caster can see through the smoke) Bio: Ska'drask was trained to be a bandit, raised by bandit parents, and three years ago, it turned out he wasnt going to be a bandit. He grew up with pet wolves, and a bear, so he is great with animals. Group: Anyone can join my group, I dont mind Appearence: Leather armour, leather hood, red eyes, white fur with a bluish tinge. (Yes, you can ask to be my pet) --------------------------------------------------------
#22270154Wednesday, March 10, 2010 6:44 PM GMT

Name: Zanul Blackscar Ag.e: 17 Race: Elven (Of the dark variety) Class: Ranger Rank: Journeyman Weapons: A scythe. Items: I have a sachet, with at least 5 small smoke bombs, 3 small animal, and sentinet race, traps, and 3 bottles of posion. Bio: Zanul was exiled for bieng too ordely. He dosen't like bieng too chaotic, but bieng a dark elf, eh usually is. Group?: None. Yet. Appearance: A long black leather overcoat, and a hardend leather shirt, and trousers. Pale skin, with dark rimmed eyes, with black irises. Long white hair, which goes down to my waist. Pet Class: Journeyman Name: Calibar Ag.e: 40 Type of Animal: Rock Python Whose pet: Mine Appearence: At least 12" long, borwn, with dark marron patches.

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