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#222722166Saturday, July 29, 2017 6:48 PM GMT

Yeah basically i'm not not one of your typical scrubs hiring people to build for them(not really my thing). i'm pretty much a developer on Roblox and i'm looking for someone who can script/build or just use Roblox Studio without pay. Yeah I know it sounds weird but i'm a BROKE :D. But over the year developing games I noticed developing games by yourself it's kinda stressful and boring and I seem to never finish it XD. So like if your trying to make a game on Roblox with me just message. these are my skills :) scripting - 7.5 animating - 5-8 - depends on how much time I put on it usually a 8 GUI - 6 Low-poly - 3 - i'm currently working on it using blender and i used to do GFX and still can :) Building - 7 Yeah i'm trying to make Players Unknown Battleground type game/FPS/Third Person Shooter if you want to ummm.. work with just message me :) I'm looking for a building team of 1-3 players. right now it's just me :) Make sure you at least have ######################### I'll try to respond ASAP.
#222723625Saturday, July 29, 2017 7:14 PM GMT

Hey I would be interested in starting a dev studio with you

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