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#22327856Thursday, March 11, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

(Ever heard of the game? This is based on it. Just because it has the word "fantasy" in it doesn't meen it is about dungeons and dragons. That is a little cheesy) (This is a story,not a roleplay,not a stupid story either. If you like drama,action,friendship,and a touch of romance,this story is for you!) ( Stuff in [] means that Tidus is saying this in his mind) (This is not present time,it is sometime in the 700's) (I make chapters everyday. If I get a certain amount of good feedback,I may make two-four more chapters) Prolouge: I felt a breeze go by me as I saw tons and tons of fans screaming my name. "Tidus! Tidus! Tidus!" I felt like I was a the star of the Zanarkand Abes. Wait,I was!!! *Chuckle* But I went from being the captain of the Zanarkand Abes,to being a guardian of a high summoner. Amazing story if you ask me. Wanna hear it? Well...it started about 1,000 years ago,well,as my fellow journiers always were telling me- Chapter 1-"Sin's" Attack Location-Zanarkand I saw the fans and walked towards them swiftly. Everyone was wanting an autograph. Heh,I would want one too if I was just a fan. "Will you sign this please!!!" A girl maybe about my age said with a smile. "Sure!" I said with a smile. I grabbed the blitzball and wrote my name initials with a curvy motion. "Mine too!!!!!!!!!" Another girl my age screeched. I smiled and said, "Ok ok! Hold your horses!!!" I wrote my initials again in a swift,passionate motion. The two girls smiled and hugged the ball. They both said,"Are you free for teachings tonight?!?!" They sounded kinda pully. I hesitated and almost said yes,then something came over me. "Sorry girls,maybe next time." I said with a frown. Then smiled again. "Tell ya what. Where will you be sitting?" The two girls looked at each other and one of them said,"3rd row on the left!!! 2nd seat to the end!" I nodded and said,"Then if I make a Venom Shot,I'll....do this." I raised my arm up with two fingers in the air,and my other arm crooked a little. "It will be just for you!" "Tidus! Over here!" A couple of kids shouted. "Ok,seeya later." I said as I walked over to the two kids. One of the kids said,"Will you teach us the Jecht Shot!!!" I scratched my head. [Jecht used to be my father. I hated him so much,everyone thought I loved him. The so much pain he caused me and my mom. Even though he said he was the best and nobody could do his Jecht Shot,I could...] I grinned real wide and said,"You betcha'!" A spirit of my childhood said,"You can't Tidus." I frowned and said,"Ummm...not exactly tonight after the game though." The kids said,"Then tommorrow?" I smiled once more and gripped my hand into a fist and pulled it down. "Tommorrow." Suddenly,a bell rang beginning the staduim sphere,where everyone played blitzball. "I gotta go!" I said and ran away from the crowd. Unfortunantly,they chased after me. I went into the Zanarkand locker room and changed into my uniform. We were facing the Mi'ihen Drakes. An easy team if you ask me. "It's show time." (To get really started into the story,this isn't the only part I'm making. No,this story is not only about blitzball. I will explain the game blitzball a little later into the story)
#22329811Friday, March 12, 2010 12:06 AM GMT

Part 2 of Chapter 1 I ran out of the locker room and the fans,once again,chased after me. By the time I got to the sphere,the staduim was already packed with Mi'ihen and Zanarkand fans combined. I took a deep breath and jumped into the sphere. I told my team to spread out into a defensive close formation. A Mi'ihen referee blew a horn for the start of the game. Me and the team captain of the Mi'ihen Drakes charged for the ball. Functionally and smoothly,Mi'ihen got to the ball first. Falsly getting tackled from the side,I was not able to get the ball. [Just to let you know I was never the BEST dodger. *Laugh*] ------------------------------------------------- "I see you have came back," ???? said staring at another gigantic water sphere,other than the blitzball sphere. ???? got up and walked out of the stadium. ------------------------------------------------- I tackled a Mi'ihen player and got the ball. I chunked the ball into the goal. Venom Shot. As I promised,I looked over to the 3rd row on the left side of the sphere,looked at the two girls 2nd seat to the end,and raised my arm up with two fingers,and a addition,another hand up,and finally smiled wide. [I love this game] ------------------------------------------------- ???? got up on a ledge and looked at the huge sphere. "'Sin....'" He said with a fair grin. "Long time,no see." Just then the supposedly water sphere Sin came up and drew a hard fin at a part of the city,shaking the whole town and wrecking debris everywhere. ------------------------------------------------- I started shaking and the water sphere where we were playing blitzball broke it's water force and washed off. As I fell I grabbed a broken ledge and hanged on. I fell into a whirlpool and blacked out for maybe 1 minute. I woke up and saw the sphere too. I gasped and ran where everyone else was. As I jumped down another ledge,I saw ????. His name was Auron. "Auron!?!?!? What the heck are you doing here??!?!?!?! We gotta go!" Auron stood with his arm in his jacket as always. "Just wait." He said. He chuckled. "Wait?!" I shouted with a terrified expression. "THERE IS A HUGE WATER SPHERE ATTACKING ZANARKAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Auron nodded and said,"Hmm....follow me." He walked calmy and I tried to follow. But it is kinda hard to stay calm when a giant sphere is attacking your city. A little farther off the edge of the blitzball stadium Auron stopped and finally said,"Sin..." I stopped too and raised an eyebrow. "What?" "Sin..." Auron repeated. Then continued walking. "Sin? What do you mean Sin?" Auron sighed and said,"That thing attacking Zanarkand;Its name is Sin." I thought for a moment and said,"A water sphere has a name?" Auron stopped once more and turned around slowly,"It isn't a sphere. It is its black magic waterhadga." "So it's a.....it's a thing? But how-" Auron interuppted me and gave me a shining red sword. "Take it." He said. Auron pulled out his sword and started wiping away at these things. "What-what are those?" I stuttered. "Sinscales." Auron replied. "Destory them or your dead meat." I looked at the sword and picked it up. "Hmmm...."
#22332722Friday, March 12, 2010 12:51 AM GMT

Part 3 of Chapter 1 I tried to lift the sword but it seemed real heavy. Like as heavy as trying to lift up a sledgehammer. I managed to get it up,and swinged at a Sinscale. As I killed it,pyreflies flew up into the air. Pyreflies were a human's or even a creature's spirts flying to the Farplanes in Guadosalam. I charged at a green Sinscale and it changed into a blue one. "Those are color changers." Auron said swinging at one too. "You have to hit those twice no matter the strength of your weapon of strength of your swing." I stared back at the Sinscale and swung at it again. Finally it feel to the ground twitching. "Wow....where'd you get this sword?" I said highly. "No time to explain." Auron started. "Keep moving." Soon enough a Sinspawn gave off more Sinscales and cornered Auron and my next move. A Sinspawn was a Sinscale that Sin gives off. Just bigger and stronger than a Sinscale. "We've got to take care of that Sinspawn." Auron said slashing at a Sinscale. "Sin what?" I said spiking one too. "Sinspawn. A creature that Sin gives off. That is where these Sinscales are coming from." I nodded. "So where is this 'Sinspawn'?" "Look at where the Sinscales are landing from." Auron said pointing in a direction. "Hmmm...this way." I sliced one more Sinscale then trotted along with Auron. Auron and I turned around a street and I saw the hugest creature in the whole world. "That is a Sinspawn." Auron said gripping his piercing weapon tighter. "My gosh...." I said as I backed up and dropped my sword. Auron looked around for a generator and spotted oen about to fall off the air street we were on. "Hey Tidus,see that generator over there?" He said. I looked around too and replied,"Yeah. Why?" "We need to destroy it. The only thing that can stop this Sinspawn." Auron said as he slashed away at it. "Help me." I picked up my new sword and we each took turns gashing the generator. Eventually it blew a lasor bolt at the Sinspawn. The Sinspawn started roaring in pain. As it fell to the ground I did too,noticing the gorund from under us was heading towards the sky. My side of the rubble made me fall off onto another piece of rubble. As I almost slipped off I saw the giant Sin water sphere sucking up everything. [I was thinking at this moment,I don't think it was a good idea to blow up that generator] I saw Auron on the next ledge. He jumped off that as the rubble sucked into the water sphere now changing to the color of the Sun. The sword he had given me dropped all the way onto a new piece of rubble. "Help! Auron!!! Help!" I shouted still just barely holding on. Auron kneeled down and helped me up. Still grasping my arm he said these words to me as I faded into the giant sphere: "This is how you will begin your new journey. A new life. A new dream. Farewell Tidus."
#22335052Friday, March 12, 2010 1:24 AM GMT

I will make one more chapter until I am finished. And please,if you read all the parts then please for pete sake leave a comment so I know what to put in there!! Of couse it still has to follow the real base as the game does,but tell me if you think I should make adjustments and if you like it or not.
#22337785Friday, March 12, 2010 2:00 AM GMT

Chapter 2-Ocean Deep Location-Unknown only by the name Spira? I turned and truffled around on a rock until I fell in a small puddle of water. I woke up and smelled water. Ocean water in fact. I stood up and shouted "HELLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard many echoes from my scream which kinda made me happy,but the sound of no reply made me feel alone. [Alone. The way my old man did to me and mom. No no...can't think about that now. *Sigh* Jecht....] I stomped with anger into the puddle. As my reflection went away and saw tons of ripples. The ripples went away and I saw my face again. [I feel like punching myself. *laugh* Maybe I should go walk around and explore] I stepped off the rock and into the water. I swam into some ruins. As I rugged in there,I noticed skeletons everywhere which frightened my very much. I swam faster as I approached the large ruins. It looks as if it used to be a temple. Walking up the steps made me feel like spaghetti legs when Jecht left the house--- "STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed so loud that my ears were ringing. [I thought I may have started crying right there in that very spot. But I continued up the stairs into the ruins] "Brrr...."I said as I walked into the ruins. "It is cold in here." I walked toward a place that looked like a fire had been here. "I need to find some timber,leaves,sticks,and two rocks." I told myself rubbing my arms. I decided to go explore the ruins before I got frostbite. Fortunantly,I found some timber and leaves. I found a stick but it was too wet to represent firewood. As I climbed up some rippy stairs,I saw many,MANY rocks. I got two of them and put them in my pocket. "Just need to find some sticks now..." I told myself. I continued past the pile of rocks and found about 7 sticks. Dry. I picked them up and headed back down to the fireplace. About in 20 minutes I started a fire. I sat down. "UGH!!!!!" I grunted. "I need food!" I laughed at my own misery. Then I thought about what Auron said to me before...."Sin" gobbled me up. If this was my new dream,I need to start going to sleep more often with a healthy mind. I lied down on the wet,cold surface below me and thought of blitzball. I thought if I would ever see mom again. Though she died about 5 years ago. [As I thought of all this,I started to feel kinda drowsy. And before I knew it,I was fast asleep] ----------------------------------------------- ~2 hours later~ I woke up to a sound of explosion. I got up and saw 5 men and one women speaking a language I didn't know. "Ase fu!" The women said. "Huh?" I replied back. "ASE FU!!!!!!!" "I do not comprehendo senorita!" "Mcegh,ase hcm vfeeo hsbs!" The women shouted toward one of the men. The man nodded and picked me up. "HEY!!!! I found this spot first!!!" The man put a finger over his mouth. "Weod hsbs." Then the man blocked a path with a piece of large rock. "Oh my gosh...." I said to myself and sat down in the middle of the floor. Suddenly I heard blaster fire and rambling machines. "Huh?" I said as I got up to see what was going on. "Lhsbs cw ehoe mop?" The woman asked the person who put me behind this rock. "Mop?" I said with a chuckle. "I am starting to like their language." "Mop means man..." A person said behind me. I turned around and saw the women speaking the crazy language. "Y-you understand me?" I asked shocked. "Si,I comprehendo your espanol." She said with a slight grin. "Ha ha. Very funny." I said as I kicked some dirt on the ground. "Who are you anyway?" "I will explain later." She said. "For now if you want to live,you are staying with us." I nodded. "Ok,so what do I have to-" I got tazed and I was blacked out. I woke up on this strange ship. I got kicked slap right into the face. "HS CW OLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
#22340088Friday, March 12, 2010 2:31 AM GMT

(Lol ok maybe just one more chapter. Hold on)
#22341813Friday, March 12, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

Chapter 3-Al Bhed? Location-Al Bhed ship "Not cool dude!!!" I shouted holding my nose. "Ow..." I got up and walked over to a corner. "Zbsot ecms afdw." The woman said to the men. "XCPOYYD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All 5 men said,then walked into the cabin. "Ok,you and your language are freaking me out." I said still holding my nose. "'Zbsot' means 'break'. 'Ecms' mean 'time'. 'Afdw' means 'guys'." The women said. "And what did those men say?" I asked letting go of my nose. "Finally." I rolled my eyes with a smirk. "So you really must understand me." "Well,I speak plentiful languages." The women said as she turned around and leaned over the guard rail and looked out over the sea. "So umm....what is your name?" I asked. I didn't want to sound pushy so I kinda leaned over the pole with her. "Rikku." She said cheerfully. "And you?" "Tidus." "Hmm...not very rare with those names anymore." Rikku said looking at me. "Are you kidding?" I said kinda unbelievebly. "I know at least 14 other Tidus's." "Well,I haven't heard the name Tidus in a while." I nodded. "Hey,want something to eat?" Rikku said with a grin. "You read my mind!" I said happily. "Whatcha' got?" "Lhoegho' cve?" "Huh?" "Al Bhed for 'whatcha' got." "Oh." *laugh* "Well Tidus-if that IS your name-we got some chicken and some peas with some potatoes. That be enough?" "Will do!" I said. I leaned back over the pole. [I thought I'd like this new dream. Auron was right. This was perfect. Get something to eat,get to know Rikku better,whatever the heck Al Bhed is,and I can be on my way. Then I thought what if I wanted to stay here? Would they let me? So many things such little time] Rikku came back with a fairly large plate filled with food. "Wow..." I said staring at the food. Rikku laughed. "Come in the guest area." She said. --------------------------------------- ~25 Mintues later~ "Man....Rikku,who made this stuff?" I asked. "My brother. He doesn't like his real name so we just call him Brother." Rikku said drinking some water. I nodded and,hoping I wouldn't be too pushy again,I asked Rikku,"What is an Al Bhed?" "A small group that uses machina to get what they want." She frowned. "People take us the wrong way though..." "Excuse me,machina? Is that another Al Bhed word?" I asked curiously. "No. It is actually Yevon talk. Yevon dispises machina,but we don't care because we think in Bevelle,they are using machina there too." "Yevon? Bevelle?" "Yevon,the Maester who made up all of Spira and their rulings. Bevelle,the main village of Spira." "Spira?" Rikku grinned. "You are so clueless...only people that have been close to Sin are THIS clueless." "Actually....uhh..." Rikku gasped. "Oh my gosh,you got gobbled up by Sin?!?!?" I nodded. Rikku got up from here chair and stood beside me. "The toxin doesn't seem to be fully out of the way yet,but wait a little longer,you will be better in no time!" "Thanks I guess." Rikku nodded as she walked out the door of the cabin. Before she completely walked out she said,"Good night,Tidus." And with a smile,she trned out the light.
#22344566Friday, March 12, 2010 3:58 AM GMT

Part 2 of Chapter 3 The sound of a microphone and door slamming wide open woke me up. "LOTS FU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Brother I think said. "Ugh....five more minutes!" I said and threw a pillow at Brother,completely missing him by like 100 miles. "Ghit oop?" Brother said gently. "Close Brother. Get up is what you mean." "Oh....GET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I banged my head against the pillow. Finally after 10 minutes of screaming,I stood up. I walked out of the guest area and spoke to Rikku. Or should I say,she spoke to me. She gave me five questions. He were the questions and answers. Where are you from?-Zanarkand Do you believe using machina is right or wrong?-Mostly right. Do you know a lot of Al Bhed traditions?-Not at all. Were you born in Spira?-No I do not think so. Would you like to be friends?-__________ Rikku smiled once I read the last question. I left it blank because written stuff is only a matter of choices. Spoken words leave the mark. I said yes. "Welcome aboard Tidus!" Rikku said. She gave me a hug and awkwardly,I returned the hug by hugging her too. "GOOP HIG!!!!!" Brother shouted. "Group hug?" I asked Brother if that is what he said. "Yes." He said,then gathered around us. After a few seconds Rikku asked me to do a favor. "Okay,so you want me to go to the bottom of where we are sitting now,and take down some weird octopus,and bring you back a sliver coin it has? Rikku nodded. "Will ya do it?" She was jumping up and down. "Well...." I hesitated. "I mean of course I'll go down there with you." That made my choice clear. I nodded and said,"Well,lets go!" Rikku gave me an underwater air gun that stuns and damages an underwater fiend. [I am starting to trust this Rikku. I just hope this "Sin" doesn't come back again. If "it" does....nevermind] Soon enough we Rikku and I saw a huge octopus. Rikku gave me the signal to shoot the gun. Unluckingly,the gun was jammed,and the octopus was heading right towards me. [Remember how I said I wasn't a good dodger. You may have heard me wrong] I dodged the lunge and the gun fired stunning the 8 legged foe. Rikku got her spikes and stuck them throught the octopus,receving the award,a silver coin. Unfortunantly,the octopus became conscious from its stunned state,and lunged toward me again,this time,he hit me square in the chest. I felt the blood pumping through my chest. I was just imagining what Rikku was looking like. To my surprise,she carried me back to the top,and tried to give me CPR. Not mouth-to-mouth,but enough to get me going again. Rikku helped me get onboard the ship and I helped her as much as I could getting her onboard too. I sat down near a ledge and Rikku sat beside me. We both had a good laugh. I helped Rikku up and took off our underwater suit. "Now umm....Tidus..." Rikku started. "It said in the five questions that I gave you,the one that asked 'Where are you from?',you said Zanarkand." I glanced at Rikku. "Yeah? And?" "And,you know....Zanarkand was destroyed a thousand years ago." I had a confused expression on my face. "That toxin really put a number on you!" Rikku continued amusedly. "Y-ye-yeah...probaly so...."I replied. "Tidus? You ok?" Rikku asked. "Umm...I-I think I'm just gonna go lie down in the guest area." "Need anything?" "Nah,I'm good." Rikku shook her head and said to herself,"Why do I always get the strange ones?"
#22345321Friday, March 12, 2010 4:25 AM GMT

(Omg Kingdom Hearts!)
#22345721Friday, March 12, 2010 4:43 AM GMT

Lol. I just played that game an hour ago.
#22366822Friday, March 12, 2010 10:21 PM GMT

@ snowdapple The last thing I'd ever make a story about is Kingdom of Hearts. That game stinks like poo. But it is just my opinion. @ Ichigo97 So did you just come here to say that,or did you read it,THEN say that? And btw,fun game huh? :P
#22369484Friday, March 12, 2010 11:04 PM GMT

Part 3 of Chapter 3 I'm not completely sure how long I was in the guest room,but sometime during that day,Brother and Rikku came in with lunch. "Ls zbvfahe dvf xvvq!" Brother said. "Don't say it in Al Bhed!!!" Rikku said as she nudged Brother. "Practice speaking in english from now on k?" "And who made you the leader?" Rikku rolled her eyes and sat the tray of food on the table. Brother muttered to himself and walked out the door. "Tidus,what's wrong? Tell me please!" Rikku said holding her hands. I raised up and put my feet on the ground. "Zanarkand." I said. I felt a lump in my throat and tried to swallow it before I spoke again. "It,it is actually where I lived. Ever since I was born." Rikku looked down. "Well,the one here in Spira has a Zanarkand too. Maybe you are talking about a different Zanarkand? I mean you did say you aren't from Spira." "No,I said I don't think I'm from Spira." I sighed and looked down too. "Sin attacked-....uh.....nevermind." "Well,ok..." She started. "Though if it makes you feel any better,you can have some soup I made. Brother put in the broth." Rikku smiled and looked at me. She got up and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "It'll be alright. We will get you home." Rikku got up,and before she opened the door to walk out,she said,"Come out on the deck at 6:00. If you are staying with us,you are gonna have to work." Finally she turned the knob on the door,and walked out. After I ate I was really full. I looked over at the clock. It said 5:32. Plenty of time to get washed up for what was coming next. Apparantly,I brushed my teeth and put on new clothes too long,and it was 6:15. I rushed out the door and saw Rikku with the five other men again. "Sorry!" I started. "Kinda had a pull back..." I frowned at my own lame excuse. "EBOCEVB!!!!!!!" One of the Al Bhed men shouted. "Hs cw lvbtcpa fu o uyop Bcjjf!" Another one said. "C qvp'e ehcpt wv..." Rikku said "What are they saying Rikku?" I asked scratching my head. "That you are a traitor...and you are planning something." Rikku replied with a straight face. No expression at all. "C qvp'e lope hcm hsbs...." A third Al Bhed said. "WHFE FU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rikku screamed. She took a couple deep breaths. "Ummm....anyways-" "Anyways,what do I need to do?" I inturuppted Rikku. Actually continuing here sentence. "Well...you see,we have been taking a lot of men down there to that island. You see it?" Rikku said as she pointed to a little slip of land. "Yeah,I think I see it." I replied squinting. "There is a creature their called a Chimera. Ever heard of it?" "Yeah,I've heard some stuff about 'em." "Well,we need you to kill it so we can find the treasure that lies behond the creature." [Honestly for some strange reason,I had a pull to knock the fudge out of a Chimera. When Jecht always used to travel around Spira on his and Lord Braska's pilgrimage,he said he wiped out a Chimera in one blow. Chimeras are huge fiends that can use black magic Watera,Fira,and Thundera,the second level of black magic. They can kill someone in one hit too...I believe I could take him!] "I accept your chal-" I was saying as I got interuppted from a wave crashing down on the ship. "WCP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And Al Bhed exclaimed. For some strange reason,I knew what he had said..."Sin". "WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Brother shouted. I looked around. I ran over to Rikku and said,"If I ever see you again,make sure you give me this." I gave her my old man's necklace he gave me when I was younger. [I didn't know what the flip I was doing then when I jumped into Sin. I felt like a new man taking on a new adventure. Kinda like Auron said.....]
#22373666Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

Chapter 4-Complete New Life Location: Besaid Island I woke up close to a shore with my head stuck in the water. I coughed and brought my head up and got pegged with a blitzball. "Hey!!! Could you throw us back that ball?" A person shouted. I looked at the ball then went underwater,3 seconds later shot the ball up into the air,spun around and kicked the ball towards the group of guys. "Woah ho ho!" The person said. [That was called the Tidus shot! *laugh* Made purely by the best! Oh great....now I'm starting to sound like Jecht...] I swam to the shore and that weird person greeted me. "Wow kid,you got some leg power ya? Who you play for?" "The Zanarkand Abes!!!" I replied with a smirk. The group all glanced at each other and laughed. My smirk faded away. "Zanarkand Abes haven't played for 1,000 years!" ???? laughed some more. "You got a strong sense of humor. Whatcha' name?" "T-Tidus." I stuttered. "Nice to meet ya Tidus. I'm Wakka. Star and coach of the Besaid Aurochs." He grinned. "This is my team. Say hello to Latto,Keepa,Cattro,Oirm,and Loy. Oirm is kinda big so don't make fun of him ya?" I smiled and nodded. "So,where exactly am I?" "In Besaid brudda!" Wakka announced still with a wide smile. Then my stomach grumbled. "You hungry ya?" Wakka asked. "Come,follow me. We'll get you something to eat." So I followed Wakka into the jungle,and he led me to a cliff. "Umm...what are we doing here? This is a dead END!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said as Wakka pushed me down. "Ha ha ha ha!" Wakka chuckled. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I shouted. "Family tradition! A new villager to Besaid is a new family member ya?" "Yeah sure....I guess so...." I said as Wakka made a huge splash in the water too. "Now how we gonna get to the village?" I asked. "Actually,this is the best way to go to avoid fiends." Wakka started abrubptly. "And as I see you have nothing to defend yourself,I think this suits you best ya?" I nodded and swam alongside with Wakka. After a couple of feet Wakka asked,"So seriously,where you from Tidus?" "Umm...well.....you see,I got sucked up by Sin,and-" "Woah,Sin's toxin got to you ya?" Wakka interuppted. "You could say that." I replied kinda shaky. "Well,no wonder you said you played for the Zanarkand Abes!" As we kept swimming along a narrow path,I started thinking about Auron and where he could be at. Then I thought about Rikku and Brother,wondering if Sin destroyed their ship or what. After a while Wakka and I arrived at a small village with small tents and a temple. "Ok,after you've gotten to know everyone,meet me in that tent over there ya? That is my home. When you are about to cough up your stomach,head over there." Wakka said pointing to the tent. I nodded and first I went inside the temple because,well,it was huge and caught my attention. I went inside and talked to the Praetor of the temple. He showed me a couple of things. He showed me some high summoners who defeated Sin; Lord Braska,Maester Mika,Maester Kinoc,and most importantly,Lady Yunalesca. "Hmmm..." I wondered who the next summoner to defeat Sin- HOLD UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "If Sin was already defeated,then how is he still alive?" I asked the Praetor. "The Calm frees for only so many years,then comes back. Sin is our punishment from using machina. Yevon gave it to us so now we have to live with it...." I nodded. So there was no specific reason for defeating Sin if it is just going to come back. I walked out of the temple and into Wakka's tent. "Oh hey there." Wakka said. "Soup ain't quite done yet so why not take a nap ya?" "Ok." I said as I laid down on the bed and took a snooze. [I had a couple dreams then and there. Scary,frightening dreams. Kinda like nightmares,but there aren't. Know what I mean?] {*walks out on a pier back in Zanarkand and just watches some waves* "What are you? A lonely nerd? Heh heh heh heh heh." "Go away dad...." "And what if I don't?" *gets up and turns around* *whispers* "I.....hate......you......." "Huh? I can't hear you." "I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *Runs off*} "I HATE YOU JECHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I awoke in a start. {Wow....guess that dream gave me a thing to think about.....] "Wakka? Where are you?" I said as I got up from the bed and saw Wakka's soup bowl was empty. I walked out of the tent and decided to go back into the temple. Wakka was in there,talking to the Praetor. "How much longer will she be in there?" Wakka asked. "I do not know..." The Praetor replied. "Whatcha' guys doing?" I asked. "HEY SLEEPY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Wakka said as he put me into a headlock and a noogie. "Ow! OWWW!!!!! STOP THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OwwwW!!!!!!!" I kept screaming. Wakka finally let go and put a tight arm around my neck. "Whaddya' doin' up so late?" He asked. "I dunno! Sleeping!!!!" I replied saying ow again. Wakka finally let go and I spun around onto the floor. I got up and looked up the stairs to see a door. "What's up there?" I asked. "The Chamber of Fayth. Where summoners go and pray for a safe trip. It is a neccesary point to pray at every temple a summoner goes to." "Is a summoner in there now?" "Not exactly. She is praying hard to BECOME a summoner though." Then a loud scream came through the door. I didn't know what I was thinking,but I ran up the steps. "You are not supposed to enter that room unless you are a guardian or summoner." The Praetor reminded me. "Like I care!" I replied,and opened the door. As I opened it,I heard a lot of gasps. "Oh boy..." Wakka said. [From that moment,I sorta regret what I did,because when I got in,I had a feeling it would be extremly hard to get out....]
#22391373Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:48 AM GMT

Part 2 of Chapter 4 I looked around and tried to figure out what was going on. I saw a sphere and put it into a door slot. Fortunantly,and to my surprise,the door opened and I walked through. It closed behind me. The first example of how hard I thought it might be to get out of here.... I saw another sphere on a slot. I took it and found 300 GIL. Apparently my good day! Bad thing was that the sphere didn't open up a secret passage or anything,and I was stuck in this small room with nowhere else to go. Then I found a very small slot on top of the door I walked through. I tried to fit the sphere on the slot,but it wouldn't fit. As I pulled the sphere back down,a secret passage finally opened up. I put the sphere back into its own slot and walked down the passage. It was dark in there for sure. Couldn't see a thing. But,I just kept walking. As I bumped into a rock wall,lights lit up in the dark room,or should I say "area"? Once again I found another sphere,and took it off its slot. The lights went out. "Crud..." I said to myself. I thought for a moment. I decided to touch the wall again. Once I did,the lights turned back on. I didn't know for how long,and I wasn't gonna wait how long either. I ran down the hallway and found a sphere holder. I inserted the sphere into the sphere holder,and I heard a moving sound back outside the "area" I was currently in. I touched the wall again because the room was starting to become dimmer,and started running down the hall again. I saw a part of the wall in the small room I was in shift colors. I tried to walk into the small room,but some invisible forcefield was blocking my path. I tried kicking it,punching it,spitting on it. Heck,I even tried to run through it. No luck... I sat down and thought for a moment. I looked at the wall tht was changing colors. There were the colors red,green,maroon,magenta,bigany,yellow,and pink. I decided to say them. So I started with red: "Red,green,maroon,magenta,bigany,yellow,pink." I waited for a second. Nothing changed. The lights got dimmer in the "area" so I touched the wall once more. Then I thought of all the colors the wall WASN'T changing. I started saying random colors that weren't on the wall: "Orange,brown,black,gray,hazel,violet." None of them worked. I thought of the color of the spheres: "Blue?" For a second nothing happened. Then suddenly,the forcefield showed itself,then repelled and faded. I could go through now. I stood up and walked into the small room again. The secret way to the dark area closed so I knew I wasn't going that way. I touched the color changing wall. Nothing happened except my hand going through the wall. "Well,that was kinda easy.....maybe....." I said to myself. I walked through the color changing wall and saw a large flight of stairs. I chose to be a weirdo and slide down the rail because one,I went faster,two,the wind rustling against my face feels good. [I wondered at that time what would be down there. What made that scream? Is the new summoner a good one? Will he defeat Sin like all the other summoners? I sure hope so.....] After a couple minutes of riding down a rail,I got to the end of the stairs and looked ahead. I saw a door,and people. Before I took my first step towards the next room ahead,Wakka came and gave me another headlock. "What are you doing down here?" He said with a wide grin. "I came down here to see what that scream was!" I shouted back trying to grip free. "Is it your buisness to stick your nose where you don't belong?" Wakka said as he gripped tighter. "OW WAKKA OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I finally got let go off. I shook my head. "So this is called the Chamber of Fayth?" "Yup. It's where Yevon tests your skills to see how high you have become in being a summoner. Since this is where most journeys start,right here in Besaid,it is the easiest ya?" Wakka said. My jaw dropped. "Easy!?!?!? I barely got past!!!" "Thats why you shouldn't be down here." He shook his head. "Anyway,follow me. I'll introduce you to fellow guardians." "Wait wait wait wait,Wakka,you never told me you were a guardian. What's his name?" "Huh?" "The summoner's name. What's his name?" "Ha...you crack me up Tidus. She is a lady,not a man ya?" "Oh...." I said awkwardly. "Sorry." "Hey no prob." Wakka replied. "Now follow me. You need to be introduced." I nodded and followed Wakka into a small room no bigger than the one I was just in. "Who is he?" A lady said. "Wakka?" "Eh,his name is Tidus." Wakka said. "He snook down here to get a peek at some stuff. And the screaming?" "Yuna. I think she is getting real emotional in there." Wakka nodded and looked at me. "This is Lulu." "Hi Tidus." She said. "Nice to meet you." "And over here is Kimahri. He is just one of the 35 Ronso's in Spira left. Very fortunate ya?" "Hiya!" I said to Kimahri. He didn't answer. "Umm....he doesn't talk much. So unless you have something real important to say,don't say anything." Wakka said. I nodded and tried to go through the curtain. Kimahri pushed me away and I fell to the ground. "Ow..." I pronounced softly. "What was that for?" "Nobody can go in there if the summoner is praying. Nobody must disturb her." Lulu said. I looked at Wakka and he shrugged and nodded. So I just sat down near a wall and waited. About 30 minutes passed,and no sign of a summoner,or a soon-to-be-summoner. "Well,I think I'd better be on my way." I said as I got up and stretched. "Woah tough guy." Wakka started. "You gotta stay here now,no turning back." I turned my head in circles and said,"Fine.....okay." A full hour passed by and still,I didn't see the summoner. So I decided to start a conversation with Wakka. "So umm....how long as "she" been a summoner?" I asked. "Once she gets out,she will be a fresh new summoner,ready to take on Sin." Wakka replied. "And don't call her "she" with air quotes. She has a name. Yuna." "Hmm...that's a nice name." I said awkwardly. Wakka and I then laughed. "And hey,if you believe love at first sight,forget it. She's a summoner,not a women you pick out of a grocery shop." "No promises there,ummm...how you say? Tough guy?" I said with a smile. Lulu then walked over to where we were sitting. "Whatcha' guys talking about?" "Hey,no sticking your nose in other people's buisness ya?" Wakka said with a smirk. [Right then and there,the curtain moved,and I saw the summoner. Yuna.] As soon as Yuna walked out,she fell to the ground. Kimahri helped her up. I wanted to help her up also,"but not too soon." I said to myself. "Not falling in love too soon." I stood up and watched Yuna and her guardians walk to the door and out it. I followed behind them with a swift,passionate walk. Auron had me covered all the way.....
#22391550Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:52 AM GMT

You lier! Kingdom Hearts is AWESOME!!!!!! I remeber this person in Final Fanisy, Vivi, is in Kingdom Hearts so Pown!
#22391908Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:01 AM GMT

Vivi isn't even in this Final Fantasy... Incase you can't read Roman numerals,X is 10.
#22414183Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:24 PM GMT

Part 3 of Chapter 4 As I walked it was kinda hard to stop staring at Yuna. After 30 seconds of each stare I tried to knock it off and shake my head. Once we got to the top of the stairs we were trying to figure out how to get out. "Umm....uhh....." Wakka stuttered. "Tidus,how'd you get in here anyway? Lulu and Kimahri have been in here days,they forgot." "Well,I remember taking this sphere then putting it back-" I said. Then the door suddenly flung open. "Wow...." I said to myself. "That was actually real easy..." Wakka laughed,"See? Told you..." I walked outside the door following the group,then automatically Yuna stopped. She turned around and held out her hand towards me. "Welcome Tidus." She said with a smile. "My name is Yuna." And with that,I shook her hand. It felt cold and warm at the same time. It felt....great! Then Yuna turned back around and continued walking,so did I. [I noticed at that moment,I wasn't gonna keep my love in for very long] We walked down the stairs from the Chamber of Fayth and the Besaid Temple guards took my arms. "Hey! Let me go!!!" I shouted trying to grip free. "It's ok. Really. He helped us get out." Lulu said to the Praetor and guards. "Eh,if you going to take someone take me,I shouldn't have let him go in there ya?" Wakka said and scratched his head. I looked at Kimahri. He shrugged and I think he kinda smiled. "SEE!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shouted out again. "Lady Yuna?" The Praetor asked. She nodded in agreement. "I don't really know what he was doing in that room,but he seems to be friendly." "Yeah! So let me go!!!!!" I shouted once more as the guards pushed me away. "Well young Tidus,if I hear about another break into a Chamber of Fayth again,you shall live no more." The Praetor said. I knew it was kinda disrepectful to smile and give a thumbs up,but I did anyway. We walked out of the temple and stopped. "You need your rest for the journey you are starting in two days Yuna." Lulu announced. "But the citizens are all probaly wanting to see a quick show of my new aeon." Yuna replied and looked at all the Besaid Island citizens. [I had a feeling that Yuna actually lived in Besaid because everyone that we walked past knew her name] Yuna walked to the center of the crowd and grabbed her Staff of Wings. "We're ready when you are Yuna." Wakka said with a thumbs up. She nodded and started doing this...well....dance kinda. Even when she danced I still saw something in her. I couldn't put my finger on it,but I think I knew what it was. She held her staff in the air,dropped it,and made a shining light toward the Sun. Then a beautiful creature came from the clouds. I heard a lot of "wow" and "gasp" and lots of "AWESOME" from the kids. As the bird looking creature landed on the ground softly,Yuna pet it very gently. I remember the touch of her soft hands,the bird must be liking it. I laughed quietly so nobody would think I was laughing directly at Yuna. "What are you gonna name it Lady Yuna?" A person said. "Yeah,whatcha' gonna name it?" Another said. "Name it!" Everyone chanted. "I think I will name it..." She said as she thought. "Valefor." I nodded. "Great imagination" I said quietly to myself." Suddenly Wakka came up behind me. "Hey,you never ate your soup ya?" "Oh yeah!" I replied,my stomach still grumbling. "Just rushed over to find me before you ate? Ha,it's ok brudda,my treat!" I smiled as I followed him into his tent. I ate like 5 bowls of soup and burped very loud. And long. "Dang kid,you like to eat. Guess that Sin's toxin made you hungry ya?" Wakka said with a grin. "Probaly." I said. "Must have a larger stomach." I laughed. "Well ok." Wakka said as he stood up. "'Well ok' what?" I asked awkwardly. "Time to head outside." "Outside? why?" "Yuna's Summoner Party. We are celebrating a new summoner." I nodded and shook my head chuckling. "Well,whatever we're doing I'm not eating." Wakka laughed too. "You sure?" His smile faded away as he saw Lulu. "Uhh....ok,lets go." "What was that-? I was saying until Wakka interuppted me. "-nothing,just c'mon." I followed Wakka outside and saw Lulu,Kimahri,and Yuna. I also saw the Besaid Aurochs team. I walked over toward them first. "Ah! I remember what I was gonna ask you now!" Wakka blurted. "Listen,you see,we are having a tournument starting the new season." "And you want me to play?" I asked with a smirk and my arms crossed. "If you would?" I nodded and brung my hand down. "But on one occasion. Instead of trying our best,WE'RE GONNA WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" That got the team talking to each other. "So,what are we gonna do?" "Win?" The team said. "That was the wimpiest shout ever! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?!?!?!? "WIN!!!!" The team shouted again. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?!?!" "WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The team shouted for the last time,and they kept chanting. Lulu did a facepalm and shook her head,Kimahri just stood there,Yuna laughed a little,and Wakka,he was chanting with the team. [This is gonna be a good life. I'm sure of it] I glanced down at Yuna. First time we had actual eye contact. We looked away,then I tried to walk towards her,but something was holding me back. "You can't" ???? said. It sounded something like Auron,and my childhood voice. I looked around but didn't see anything. I nodded still looking at Yuna,and walked back to the team. But then,I actually wondered where Auron was. I felt like screaming in joy,and in pain. [I then just chose this was my new life. So instead of when I get picked up,put myself down again,I'll stay up,and walk on]
#22416269Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:57 PM GMT

Jakey are you here?
#22422365Saturday, March 13, 2010 7:37 PM GMT

Part 4 of Chapter 4 Before I got to the group Wakka came to me. "So you really think we will win this tournament?" Wakka asked me. I nodded. "I have a feeling that we will. I know it definantly won't be easy,but somehow,our bodies won't quit." "Well...you see,the Aurochs haven't won a game in 5 years." Wakka said with his head down. "We are usually playing hard and in the lead during the first part of the game. At halftime,we just get worn out ya?" "Then this will be a perfect oppurtunity for you to make a come back!!! C'mon Wakka,you just gotta believe." He nodded then lifted up his head. "You're right. We will win." "I can't hear you Wakka!" "We will win!" "LOUDER!!!" "WE WILL WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And with that,the team started chanting again. Wakka and I laughed. "We WILL win Tidus,I believe that. Thanks." I smirked and fell to the ground,looking up at the night sky. [I remember,when you used to sit by me and mom,just looking up at the sky. That is the only good memories I have with you Jecht...] I sat up and looked at the fire. It made me think of Rikku for some reason. I looked at Wakka's tent,and it made me think of Auron. [That may sound disrespectful,but I had memories that night. *laugh*] I put my knees to my chest and put my head down. I felt like going to sleep. I stood up and looked at Yuna one last time. I was about to ask Wakka where I was sleeping tonight,but then,my old man,a spirt of him said,"Oh,just go talk to her already weakling. You won't get her anyway." I know it was just a memory,but it made me full of anger. "I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Suddenly,everyone just looked at me. Silence,complete silence. "You ok?" Lulu said behind me. "What was that about?" Wakka asked. "Nothing....." I replied to both. "Wakka,where am I sleeping tonight?" He nodded. "I understand." Wakka said as he cleared his throat. "You'll be sleeping in that other tent over there." I stomped away full of anger. "Maybe I should go talk to him?" Wakka said as he walked to the tent. "I don't think so." Yuna said out of nowhere. "And how do you know precisly that?" Lulu asked folding her hands. "I have a feeling,that he has a grudge of someone,and he probaly needs to be left alone." She said calmly. "The Lady Summoner speaks her wisdom." An elder sitting with Yuna said. [Yuna was right. I DID need to be left alone. Go through with my problems carefully,and slowly] After I head everyone speak,I finally went away from the curtain and lied down in the bed. It was very comfortable,so that was something that made me forget my thoughts. And soon enough I was asleep. About an hour later after everyone went home,Wakka and Lulu were still outside talking. I walked up to the curtain again and eavesdropped on their conversation. I knew it wasn't right,but I knew they were talking about me. "He can't stay with us." Lulu said. "You haven't even gotten to know him yet!" Wakka replied with his arms in the air. "Tidus is a real good guy!" "But he will bring us trouble to Yuna on her pilgrimage." Wakka didn't say anything. Then spoke up. "How do you exactly know that?" "I just do..." Lulu said with a straight face. Then she sighed. "He isn't Chappu, Wakka." "He acts like him. Just a person to talk to and curious." "But is his name Chappu? No. Does he have your sword you actually gave to Chappu? No. Does he even dress like Chappu? No. You can clearly see he isn't Chappu...." Wakka put his hand to his chin and said. "I was about to give Tidus that sword." Lulu looked away and shook her head. "Good night Wakka." Wakka watched Lulu go away. After she left he just kicked the dirt. He looked up and saw me in the curtain. "I see your face...." I sighed and walked out. Then suddenly I blurted out. "Who's Chappu?" I covered my mouth. Wakka shrugged. "Nobody except my younger brother who never loved me..." "I'm sorry." I said willingly "Nothing to be sorry about ya? It's just whenever he died,I....I never got to say goodbye." "Do I really act like him?" "Well,yeah kinda. I mean you are always curious,hyper,loves blitzball. I mean,you even play like he does." "Hmm..." I kinda grinned. "Whatchoo' grinning about?" Wakka asked. "Blitzball. What are you gonna do?" Wakka chuckled not now,people are asleep. I smiled and nodded. "Now go to sleep kid,we are leaving first thing in the morning." "Leaving? Where?" "You'll find out." [I wanted to know right there and then. Guess some things can just wait?]
#22423654Saturday, March 13, 2010 7:59 PM GMT

So many views,and nobody I bet is reading it,OR even replying. Its a real good story,please read and reply!
#22424455Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:12 PM GMT

#22424509Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#22424599Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

Ok,now that was just spam...when I say reply,I mean tell me what you think of the story,and if you think it should be improved....
#22424730Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:16 PM GMT

this is epic!
#22425942Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

Did you even read it?

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