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#223659386Monday, August 14, 2017 4:57 PM GMT

can someone whip me up a script for keybinds idk if I would have to pay for the script but I will Hmu discord: [二]Artic_Smash❄#5206
#223659505Monday, August 14, 2017 5:01 PM GMT

--This will run the function onKeyPress when the x key is pressed: function onKeyPress(actionName, userInputState, inputObject) --put the code you need here end game:GetService("ContextActionService"):BindAction("keyPress", onKeyPress, false, Enum.KeyCode.X)
#223659636Monday, August 14, 2017 5:04 PM GMT

nah like I got a game when you press M it pulls up the menu then on the menu there's abalites and you keybind them how ever you want
#223666475Monday, August 14, 2017 7:42 PM GMT

You can use :BindAction() to create a new key bind, and :UnbindAction() to delete old key binds.

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