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#223935510Saturday, August 19, 2017 7:47 PM GMT

local door = script.Parent function open() door.CanCollide = false for transparency = 0, 1, .1 do door.Transparency = transparency wait(.1) end end function close() for transparency = 1, 0, -.1 do door.Transparency = transparency wait(.1) end door.CanCollide = true end function get_player(part) for _, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if part:IsDescendantOf(player.Character) then return player end end end door.Touched:connect(function(part) local player = get_player(part) if not player then return end local allow = ( false ) if allow then open() ######## ################### end end) [ Signature Deleted ]
#223936512Saturday, August 19, 2017 8:03 PM GMT

Is this a door script? How do you want to make the door?

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