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#22535354Monday, March 15, 2010 8:56 PM GMT

Ŧhe Ştone Ängel Ḁssasins Ģuild Welcome to The Stone Angel Assassin Guild, since you're here at such a late hour I suppose it's safe to assume you want someone 'taken care of'? Hush now, don't get your pan ties in a twist, you and I both know that I'm right. So who is this person? Oh? That will be quite a doozy of a task for the lucky person who takes it on... Perhaps, depending on what sum you are offering your task will be completed by Him. Yes, yes, I understand the utmost confidentiality. Please, step into the back room and fill out the forms, your patronage is much apprieciated. Ŧhe Ştone Ängel Ḁssasins Ģuild has always had a reputation of ruthless but graceful kills, the Guild is feared, reveared and highly sought after. Ruling the Underworld skillfully and efficiently. The skills that make their living in the shadowed halls are all uniquely beautiful in their work. All take pride in what they do though many keep themselves in the shadows, some preferring to not even reveal their identities to their patrons. Being the most successful Assassin's Guild in the country they naturally only have one rival, the Upperworld. The Upperworld, made up of Kings, Queens and Knights all strive to topple the chain of power living beneath them; all strive to stop the Underworld from taking the most important life in their system to at last gain full control of the land so long denied them; all strive to stop their lives from ending in the most gruesome way possible. Knight and Assassin strive to keep their lives while the jobs just keep on coming. Knights are ordered to kill Assassins or expose the Guild. Assassins are assigned to kill the King or anyone else who gets in the way of business. A group of Knights are selected to go into the deadly close-knit 'family' of Assassins to betray it from within. All this in the name of their King. Will love sprout from the chaos of deception and false alliances? Will Assassins seek the comfort of Knight-life? Will Knights who were loyal finally find the ruler they sought after? As more and more life threatening assignments come to pass the common people realize the potential civil war that lays beneath their feet and rises above their heads. In desperate attempts to stop the war will the Assassins and Knights work together? Or will the Empire of Hirokin fall to ruin? Will the Assassins topple the powers that rule with a hand that only seeks to nurish it self? The Knights, duty bond to the throne, will they stop the carnage or join in to destroy the corruption? So there you have it. Which side will you chose? Knowing the consequences of both? Dark Assassin or falsely hated Knight? Ŗoles, Ṗlaces Ḁnd Ṫerms ṫo Ḱnow ¤ ROLES ¤ ¤ Ḁṩṩḁṩṩḭṅṩ ¤ LEADER I - TAKEN- McKailey SUCCESSER II - TREASURER III - PLANNER/ADVISOR IV - COMMON V - COMMON VI - COMMON VII - COMMON VIII - COMMONIX - COMMON X - ¤ Ḳṉḭḡḩṫṩ ¤ GENERAL I - CAPTAIN II - SECONDARY CAPTAIN III - MAGE IV - WEAPONSMITH V - COMMON VI - COMMON VII - COMMON VIII - COMMON IX - COMMON X - ¤ PLACES ¤ THIS IS THE WORLD OF GATEKEEPER REDEMPTION http://www.roblox.com/3-item?id=23912417 Please look at the map. POINT A: The Palace - King and Queen reside here POINT B: The River (Moliarne) - Seperates the City POINT C: False Guild for meeting customers POINT D: The actual Guild where the Assassins live POINT E: Knights Barracks ¤ TERMS TO KNOW ¤ ¤UNDERworld: The Assassins Guild resides in the UNDERworld. Located South of the River Moliarne. The UNDERworld is very uneven and things often slant and fall down in the mess. The ground became this way after a massive earthquake that struck 20 years earlier. >> People residing in this place are often called Stray Dogs because of their living conditions. ¤UPPERworld: The Palace and the Barracks are located North of the River Moliarne. The UPPERworld is a gaudy world of golds, pinks and pale blues. Everything is straight, proper and under control on the North Side of the River. >> People residing in this place are often called Purses because of the way they live and spend ¤SPLICERS: What Knights are often referred to by the Guild and the Stray Dogs of the UNDERworld. ¤DAGGERS: What Assassins are often referred to by the Royal Family, Knights and Purses of the UPPERworld. **********CHARACTER SHEET Name: A ge: Birthdate: Male or Female?: Race: (Vampire (Give me Edward Cullen and I will kill you), Elf, Gnome Etc. Most races are accepted. Though if you make up your own and fail to explain it well enough or give me a link from another thread to explain it then I will ask you to change it.) Height: Weight: Side Chosen: (Are you Dagger or Splicer) Rank:(Which one are you aplying for) Signature: (For WORKING Assassins only. What is your mark, the thing you are known for when you leave the scene. EX decapitation, disembowelment, etc...) Bio: Personallity: Appearance: ¤ RULES ¤ FOLLOW THESE WITH YOUR LIFE ¤ Do not Spam or Troll this thread ¤ Read all posts that you have missed when you go offline and come back. I know it might be boring but it keeps things together nicely when people understand what is going on over the River ¤ No killing others without permission ¤ No excess gore. ¤ No Gods. Please please please. DO NOT MAKE YOUR CHARACTER GODLIKE. I will not do it, so you should not either. That means Knight Mages, there are no HEAL ALL powers, FOREVER YOUNG BUT OVER 3000 CHARACTERS, SOLVE ALL answers and KILL ALL spells etc... Assassins that means there are ABSOLUTELY NO KILL ALL spells or weapons, HEAL ALL spells or curses, NEVER DIE people (I mean you can get real old but honestly, you gotta know when to draw the line. I can understand a few hundred years, but after you push 1000 I am going to question you) etc... ¤Absense, I understand the need for it. If you are going away or are just too stressed out to roleplay I understand. PM me your problem or notice and I will think of a situation to put you in where you will still be involved but not enough to need your constant attention. Please, just tell me first. Do not just apply then never show up. I really hate that... ¤ Please try to be at least semi-literate in this roleplay. I understand that Writer's Block does occur, but please, if you can't think of anything to say, then talk about I dunno, how crappy the weather is, trust me the weather is pretty crappy in the UNDERworld. ¤ Please, no chat speak either, that's things like 'hey how r u? Rly? Dats awsom man!' NO! DO NOT DO THIS! (It was hard for me to even write that). Do this more than once, I'll tell you to stop, do it after that I'll kick you out. I cannot stand Chat Speak in the least, I have seen too many roleplays die because of idiots using it. ¤ When talking to your fellow roleplayers, just use (( )), {{ }}, [[ ]] etc etc... ¤ Please place a heart somewhere in your application, I do not care how or where, just get it in there so I know you read the rules. *********MAI CHARACTER SHEET Name: McKailey Hirashi A ge: 18 Birt hda te: October 26th Male or Female?: Female Race: (Vampire (Give me Edward Cullen and I will kill you), Elf, Gnome Etc. Most races are accepted. Though if you make up your own and fail to explain it well enough or give me a link from another thread to explain it then I will ask you to change it.) Vampire Height: Five foot six Weight: 125 pounds Side Chosen: (Are you Dagger or Splicer) Dagger Rank:(Which one are you aplying for) Leader. Signature: (For WORKING Assassins only. What is your mark, the thing you are known for when you leave the scene. EX decapitation, disembowelment, etc...) Disembowelment Bio: Will be revealed later. Personallity: Rude, sadistic, arrogent. Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/8D-item?id=23914847
#22535691Monday, March 15, 2010 9:01 PM GMT

#22535834Monday, March 15, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

Name: Erik Untervach A ge: 20 Birthdate: April 2nd Male or Female?: M Race: Human Height: 7"1 Weight: 129 Pounds Side Chosen: Dagger Rank: SUCCESSER II - Signature: A happy face with a X-and-circle over it, painted from Victim's Blood. Bio: N/A Personallity: Sadistic, Crazed assassin. Otherwise, Smart, and serious. Appearance: Pale skin, Freckles, Brown thick air, Blue eyes. Thick Leather armour, Red/Yellow Robes, with a "N" painted on it.
#22535999Monday, March 15, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

(Read the rules and you're accepted.)
#22536035Monday, March 15, 2010 9:07 PM GMT

Name: Scott Anderson A ge: 19 Birthdate: March 24 Male or Female?: Male Race: Human Height: 6,2 Weight: 130 pounds Side Chosen: Dagger Rank: Successor II Signature: scar shaped as a X on there forehead Bio: N/A Personality: Friendly,funny. Appearance: Short black hair,blue eyes,Black clothes.
#22536036Monday, March 15, 2010 9:07 PM GMT

(I did, how do you make a heart?!?)
#22536163Monday, March 15, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

(@Drum Read rules, and change rank. @Warrior Lessthan sign, 3. <3)
#22536316Monday, March 15, 2010 9:11 PM GMT

(Yeah sorry late post so Name: Scott Anderson A ge: 19 Birthdate: March 24 Male or Female?: Male Race: Human Height: 6,2 Weight: 130 pounds Side Chosen: Dagger Rank: Commoner Signature: scar shaped as a X on there forehead Bio: N/A Personality: Friendly,funny. Appearance: Short black hair,blue eyes,Black clothes. <3 )
Top 25 Poster
#22536568Monday, March 15, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

Name: Lilly Wares A ge: 17 Birthdate: May 12th Male or Female?: Female Race: (Vampire (Give me Edward Cullen and I will kill you), Elf, Gnome Etc. Most races are accepted. Though if you make up your own and fail to explain it well enough or give me a link from another thread to explain it then I will ask you to change it.) Vampire Height: 5 foot 5 inches Weight: 120 Side Chosen: (Are you Dagger or Splicer) dagger Rank:(Which one are you aplying for) Planner/advisor IV Signature: (For WORKING Assassins only. What is your mark, the thing you are known for when you leave the scene. EX decapitation, disembowelment, etc...) Bio: the only person in family to be an assasin Personallity: nice, plans well, make good plans Appearance: brown hair, brown eyes, black clothes, and black jeans
#22536597Monday, March 15, 2010 9:16 PM GMT

(So, pretty bad weather w're having, also, could you add streetnames to the map?)
Top 25 Poster
#22536731Monday, March 15, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

( oops, forgoted to put it on) Name: Lilly Wares A ge: 17 Birthdate: May 12th Male or Female?: Female Race: (Vampire (Give me Edward Cullen and I will kill you), Elf, Gnome Etc. Most races are accepted. Though if you make up your own and fail to explain it well enough or give me a link from another thread to explain it then I will ask you to change it.) Vampire Height: 5 foot 5 inches Weight: 120 Side Chosen: (Are you Dagger or Splicer) dagger Rank:(Which one are you aplying for) Planner/advisor IV Signature: (For WORKING Assassins only. What is your mark, the thing you are known for when you leave the scene. EX decapitation, disembowelment, etc...) Bio: the only person in family to be an assasin Personallity: nice, plans well, make good plans Appearance: brown hair, brown eyes, black clothes, and black jeans <3
#22536772Monday, March 15, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

(AND WE START.) McKailey scowled at the piles of paperwork that littered her desk in no particular order. She swore softly. "If I start this now it'll take up most of my night...." Truth be told, McKailey wasn't exactly sure what the papers were even about. She often wondered how she managed to aquire so much work. "Screw it." She said after staring at the inoffending paperwork for a moment longer, standing from behind her large desk she continued to talk to herself softly. "I'll do it later."
#22536930Monday, March 15, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

Erik sat at his small chair and desk, and sighed deeply as he scribbled away at the papers. Sometimes, he had to approve of the Assassinations payments, approve of the patrons, and deal with mis-behaving assassins. Boring. Sometimes, he would wish the McKailey did paperwork. She did, no of the less, but sometimes she skipped it. Erik did not.
#22537129Monday, March 15, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

I walked into the base silently blood pouring down my arm.
Top 25 Poster
#22537140Monday, March 15, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

Lilly was planning out the next event. It was hard. She sat there twirling a pencil as she thought of the next thing. It was bring and fun sometimes. She sighed.
#22537199Monday, March 15, 2010 9:25 PM GMT

A great crack of thunder shook the guild gently as a flash of lightning momentarily brightened all the rooms through the numerous windows. The weather was once again pretty awful in the UNDERworld, but McKailey didn't care. Storms were her favorite weather, despite her hatred of loud noises and bright things.
Top 25 Poster
#22537420Monday, March 15, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

Lilly ignored the thunder and continued thinking.
#22537478Monday, March 15, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

With a few quick movements, Erik wrote his name on a document, placed it down, and sent it down a slot to the treasurer. Turning from the slot, Erik softly paced over to a secondary slot, and sent down a package of papers. It was a form, designated to a certain assassin, and who to kill. His job done, He did a half run half speed walk towards the door, and tuggerd on the handle. The door slid open with ease, and Erik walked to his private room. He changed his clothes from robes to normal civvilian clothes, and he walked to the bakers. Food, was all that crowded his mind.
#22537657Monday, March 15, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

I sat in my office and looked through my paperwork.
Top 100 Poster
#22537735Monday, March 15, 2010 9:33 PM GMT

Name: Garrett Wolfe A ge: 19 Birthdate: March 24th Male or Female?: Male Race: Vampire Height: 5 foot 7 Weight: 100 LB Side Chosen: Dagger Rank: Successer II if taken, III Signature: A fingerprint in blood Bio: N/A Personallity: Dangerous, secretive, is nice and reveals his past to only a few. Appearance: Dirty blonde, pale hair, green eyes with specks of red, a scar over my right eye, a black hoodie, black pants and a skull necklace. (IDK)
#22537822Monday, March 15, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

It was best to not try and figure out the moody leader of the Daggers. It wasn't that she had a quick temper, she didn't really, it was just that the last person to actually snap her temper is....Well, let's say he had a pretty painful death...... Stepping out from her office she was greeted by the soft murmur of resting or wandering Daggers. They were either waiting for a new mission or resting from the last one. Stone Angel assassin's Guild was usually quiet. McKailey liked it that way and all knew by now to follow what she liked. The leader of the Guild moved about the halls silently in her own graceful way. McKailey looked no older than 16(Even though she was 18). Some would say she was far too young to be running the UNDERworld with such a tightfist.
Top 100 Poster
#22537915Monday, March 15, 2010 9:36 PM GMT

(Explain to me all of this before I kill you.) Garrett looked around, sighing he put his booted-feet on a table and leaned back. "Why the heck am I hear anyways?" He mumbled, still a foggy memory.
#22538017Monday, March 15, 2010 9:38 PM GMT

Erik pushed open the door to the bakers, flipped him 12 gold coins. The baker smiled, and said "The regular?" "Plus 11." The baker seemed to walk to the back, and came back with 12 loafs of bread, and a bottle of w.ine. "Something extra" the baker grinned, walked away for a moment. Erik reached into his pocket, took out 30 gold, and attched a note to it with "Keep care of the family, Butch." With that, he placed the gold on the table, and walked back to the guild.
Top 100 Poster
#22538227Monday, March 15, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

He walked down the halls, whistling to himself. "Worst place to be if ye' ask me. . ." (WTF? YE? WHAT IS THIS, MEDEVIAL TIMES?!)
#22538257Monday, March 15, 2010 9:41 PM GMT


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