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#225752536Saturday, September 30, 2017 1:10 AM GMT

So, I'm trying to make a transparent sphere that goes around the player to show them where they can drag an object. I've already got the sphere, but when I try to set it's location to char.HumanoidRootPart.Position, it positions above my character. Why is this?
#225752594Saturday, September 30, 2017 1:11 AM GMT

because you're using Vector3 instead of CFrame
#225752626Saturday, September 30, 2017 1:12 AM GMT

did you disable the spheres CanCollide?
#225752732Saturday, September 30, 2017 1:15 AM GMT

Laedere, that should not matter. Yes, I disabled the Sphere's CanCollide. Looking back, I put the CanCollide after the positioning, but I changed it and it didn't do anything.
#225752748Saturday, September 30, 2017 1:16 AM GMT

because you're using Vector3 instead of CFrame[2]
#225752771Saturday, September 30, 2017 1:16 AM GMT

it actually can mess it up @Eqicness use CFrame instead of position.
#225752866Saturday, September 30, 2017 1:19 AM GMT

If you're using `Position`, then it's automatically setup and calculate to have the object be on top of the next set position. To counter this though, you can use `CFrame`s, like I do when I make teleporters/spawns: Object1.CFrame = Object2.CFrame Think of CFrames as an "absolute position." (Not saying it is 100%. >->)
#225753057Saturday, September 30, 2017 1:25 AM GMT

Ah, alright. Thank you TheeDeathCaster!
#225753605Saturday, September 30, 2017 1:40 AM GMT

Np. Just wanna warn though, since CFrames are, like I defined them, an "absolute position," so if you want a part to be, say 1 stud higher, you'd have to do calculations to do that; As an example: Object1.CFrame = Object2.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,1,0) That'll up the part's CFrame by 1 stud, while keeping it at the second object's position; It's the same position, but it just adds 1 more stud to the mix. Another thing I like to do is this: local distance = (object1.CFrame.p - object2.CFrame.p).magnitude When it comes to positions, I got into this habit. XD However, the downside is that you can't set their positions that way: object1.CFrame.p = object2.CFrame.p -- Will result in an error: object2's alright, but you can't set object1's position to object2's. :c Just some tips when using CFrames. ^^

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