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#22602821Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:39 AM GMT

I know this is really long, but please read it. This is important not just to you >.> Lady Gaga is at the point popular, and I respect that, but soon people will grow tired of her style and some other genre will become popular. Just because she is topping the charts now doesn't mean she's the best. Almost ever single released by the Beatles made it into the top 10 on the charts if not #1. Lady Gaga will probally be popular for 1 or 2 more years, but then new artists with different styles will become more popular. Alot of singles released 30 years ago hit #1, but as it was 30 years ago you don't know about them. They were just as succesful as Gaga's singles. You claim Gaga is the best musical artist because she is popular at the time. Alot of bands from the 70s or 80s were just as, if not more, popular than her, but their popularity faded. Lady Gaga will not always be the most succesful. Stop saying she's the best because she's mainstream. Bands from years ago have been just as succesful as her. Stop saying she's better than any otehr bands because she's maistream. NO BAND IS BETTER THAN ANOTHER. EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN OPINIONS. STOP ASSERTING THAT YOUR OPPINIONS ARE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSES. Also, stop pointing out how you hate all bands with "The intensity of the sun" it gets really annoying. We don't flame your Gaga posts, why must you flame our Beatles, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, etc. posts? Please just get over it and stop flaming everyone.
#22603010Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

And Youtube veiws also DO NOT show what bands most popular. 40 years, when the bands I liked were mainstream, THEY DID NOT HAVE YOUTUBE. Youtube is probally the most biased way to decided popularity you can use.
#22603017Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

Links to where he flamed? I know the "Intensity of the Sun" thing, but I have never seen Mendezio flame a Rock Thread sand say "Lady Gaga is the best." Mendezio is doing nothign wrong. It's called RETALIATION!!!
#22603042Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

it's like brittany spears (spelling?) she was popular, but not so much now. and Nsync, where they go? Backstreet Boys? Gone! Iron Maiden? HERE TO STAY! that's the thing with rock, old songs are respected and liked. With rap/hip-hop, and 'pop', it's "the NOW". if its old, scr3w it.
#22603108Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:44 AM GMT

He's been flaming majorly here: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=22534039 "Mendezio is doing nothign wrong. It's called RETALIATION!!!" Now that just angers me that THAT is your excuse. He has nothing to "retaliate" against. I even said we don't flame him, giving him no excuse to flame us.
#22603114Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:44 AM GMT

@Gary I'm with ya. the media is the most biased thing in the world.
#22603239Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:47 AM GMT

I'm really just saying, that you have no reason to flame any of us, yet you continually do claiming that you're "defending yourself," when you aren't
#22603423Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

It´s plainly useless..... What If I hate the band but they DO have one song I like and view it on YouTube......
#22603841Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:03 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#22603861Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:04 AM GMT

No this time I prove my self correct. You can scale a bands talent by there popularity. Again I was not flaming just becuase I have a 4 page thread doesn't mean I'm flaming.
#22604026Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:10 AM GMT

"No this time I prove my self correct. You can scale a bands talent by there popularity" I disagree with that, but for the sake of everyone, I won't go into it. You scale popularity in a different way than me though. I go buy overall record sales. You go by the charts. You know how the charts change every week? So does the type of music people like. People will eventually begin to like other genre of music. Anyway, I feel overall record sales is a better way to judge a bands popularity. The Beatles have sold over 1 billion albums in 50 years. Lady Gaga has sold about 3 million 3 million x 50 years = 150 million albums. Way less than most all the bands I like. And, the bands I like's albums will continue to sell. Well, whatever. Popularity isn't a very good way to scale talent. There are a number of immensely talented artists who only had one hit. (For example Aldo Nova) Then there also a number of artists with no talant who had tons of hits. (For example the band styx) Anyway, what I'm REALLY saying is JUST STOP FLAMING EVERYONE. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE TO FLAME EVERYONE.
#22604099Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:12 AM GMT

Disprove my theory if you think I’m wrong. Notice all my arguments are on Mainstream threads or thread that talk about mainstream. I think once or twice I wrote something on an AC/DC thread but that was like a month ago.
#22604171Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:15 AM GMT

Did I not disaprove your theory? I think I accidently did after I saying I wasn't going to. xD Well, whatever. Once, again we're getting away from the point. Mendezio, all I'm asking of you is to stop saying how you hate all other bands and stop pointing out all the time how you think Gaga is better. Please just stop flaming everyone.
#22604298Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:19 AM GMT

"No this time I prove my self correct. You can scale a bands talent by there popularity" I disagree with that, but for the sake of everyone, I won't go into it. You scale popularity in a different way than me though. I go buy overall record sales. You go by the charts. You know how the charts change every week? So does the type of music people like. People will eventually begin to like other genre of music. Anyway, I feel overall record sales is a better way to judge a bands popularity. The Beatles have sold over 1 billion albums in 50 years. Lady Gaga has sold about 3 million 3 million x 50 years = 150 million albums. Way less than most all the bands I like. And, the bands I like's albums will continue to sell. Well, whatever. Popularity isn't a very good way to scale talent. There are a number of immensely talented artists who only had one hit. (For example Aldo Nova) Then there also a number of artists with no talant who had tons of hits. (For example the band styx) Anyway, what I'm REALLY saying is JUST STOP FLAMING EVERYONE. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE TO FLAME EVERYONE. _________________________________________________________________ I can say that popularity is an accurate scale of talent, because people don’t tend to like “talent-less” figures. I don’t mean talent as in actual musical talent, but as a skill across the board, like if someone looks nice, or can dance well. There is your talent; it’s just not always in the music. So it is safe to say that metal boycotts fame and settles for last place in the race of popularity, since they don’t market themselves and strive for public affection. They seem to be happy with there “good high quality” music, in which I don’t agree on since it is often unorganized and not in sync (my opinion). So if they are happy with last place you should support them, if you truly love that genre. I check Billboard every week, I know how it changes. When you look back into histroy and look at the super popular bands... do most of them have some type of talent. Now do the same to our age, do the popular artist hold some sort of talent?
#22604458Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:22 AM GMT

I could probally write out an immensely long post to explain how wrong you are, but that wouldn't get us anywhere so I won't bother. I'm not asking you to start liking classic rock or metal, I'm just asking that you accept that they will always be there and that thery are just as succesful as Gaga. You don't have to like it, but please just stop flaming everyone.
#22604466Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:22 AM GMT

Did I not disaprove your theory? I think I accidently did after I saying I wasn't going to. xD Well, whatever. Once, again we're getting away from the point. Mendezio, all I'm asking of you is to stop saying how you hate all other bands and stop pointing out all the time how you think Gaga is better. Please just stop flaming everyone. ______________________________________________________________________ I can name tons people whom say that Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga suck, and say the Metallica is 10 times better.
#22604599Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:25 AM GMT

"I can name tons people whom say that Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga suck, and say the Metallica is 10 times better. " Does that have anything to do with my post? not really. I say it again, all I'm asking is that you stop flaming the other genres of music. They're all different and without them pop wouldn't exist. Just stop flaming everything that isn't pop.
#22604640Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:26 AM GMT

You can't disprove it with your logic. It’s almost inevitable you must fact it as fact, people nowadays like Mainstream pop, and the artists who sing Mainstream pop are as talented as those who sang back in the 80s. Am I flaming?
#22604662Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:27 AM GMT

#22604726Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:28 AM GMT

Again I don't travel to your rock threads and flame... I just defend my favorite artists when metal/rock fans flame them on mainstream threads.
#22604816Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:31 AM GMT

Please stop changing the subject! All we are saying... is give peace a chance! I mean.. err.. *cough cough*. Please just stop flaming everyone >.> You have no excuse to flame everyone so please stop. And by "flaming" I mean stop how TERRIBLE you think their music is.
#22604946Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:34 AM GMT

And by "flaming" I mean stop how TERRIBLE you think their music is __________________________ You Pop Flamers do the same thing.
#22604964Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:35 AM GMT

People say Lady Gaga is a guy and that Justin Bieber sounds like a 7 year old black girl – no racism intended. It's ok to completely bash a mainstream artist but talking bad about a "rock legend" is going too far.
#22605028Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:37 AM GMT

Scrap give peace a chance, Mendezio backs down to no one.
#22605038Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:37 AM GMT

People say Lady Gaga is a guy _____________________ Yes, they say that. If lady gaga were to say/show proof, therwe goes 1 month of Gossip magazines talking about it. That's the thing I HATE about Gossip Magazines.

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