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#226311199Friday, October 13, 2017 1:34 AM GMT

A bill to allow safe drifting. BE IT ENACTED BY THE STATE OF FIRESTONE CONGRESS* HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1: This legislation shall allow people to freely drift in safe spaces. SECTION 2: This legislation shall allow people to drift in safe spaces unoccupied by any other person or vehicle and free of any rubble or debris that is not a roadway. An example of such place can be: An empty parking lot. SECTION 2B: ###o###############defined as the part of a road intended for vehicles to drive on usually in contrast to a sidewalk or median. SECTION 2C: Drifting on any property not defined in Section 2 shall result in the following punishments: SECTION 2C.1: First violation: ($25 Citation; Misdemeanor charge) SECTION 2C.2: Second violation: ($125 Citation; Misdemeanor charge) SECTION 2C.3: Third violation: ($225 - $325 Citation; Misdemeanor charge) SECTION 2C.4: Fourth violation: (60-180 Jail time; Felony charge) SECTION 3: This bill shall be enforced by Stap#########nty Sheriff’s Office, Firestone State Patrol, Firestone Department of Homeland Security and Firestone Department of Corrections. 3A: The Stap#########nty Sheriff’s Office shall be defined as: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/group.aspx?gid=2805388 3B: Firestone State Patrol shall be defined as: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/group.aspx?gid=2803364 3C: The Department of Homeland Security shall be defined as: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/group.aspx?gid=2803370 4C: The Department of Corrections shall be defined as: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/group.aspx?gid=2807789 SECTION 4: This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passage. SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted to the House of the State of Firestone, Chief Sponsor(s): Representative, Pyrothan Co-Sponsor(s): N/A

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