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Top 100 Poster
#22664789Thursday, March 18, 2010 5:13 PM GMT

(Just something small to stimulate my needs.) It was the last thing you said to your family before you left. The war had become so bad that the government put in a conscription act....But, what were we really fighting for? Freedom? Peace? Or are we just here to shed blood? But it doesn't matter now, the quiet sound of death, will slowly, snuff it all out... {DATE: MARCH 5TH, 1926. ENGAGE FUSION PULSE. RELAY TO COMMAND.} {CURRENT REINFORCEMENT SHIPMENT: DUE IN 2 HOURS BY TRAIN} (You won't really understand what's going on, it supposed to be revealed later. Really, you don't even know who your fighting, but everyone act's like they do.) CS: ----------------------- Name: A/g/e: Gender: Appearance: (Simplified since most of you don't like my Large one...) Misc Items: Fears: (This will be explained later.) Biography: (Reason you don't get any weapons to choose is because you get assigned weapons later.)

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