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#227066670Tuesday, October 31, 2017 11:42 PM GMT

Tournament Rules and Guidelines! Whether you want to participate with your team, or journey through this Tournament solo with random team a few Guidelines must be met! Tournament Divisions: To ensure that matchups for the Tournaments are as fair as possible, Teams will be split into 2 divisions. Scout Division: Teams whose members average level is lower than Level 50 will be put in this division. Juggernaut Division: Teams whose members average level is higher than Level 50 will be put in this division. Teams with members of different levels will either be bumped up or down depending on two factors: How many players are above or below the level of that division. For example, if a team of 6 has 4 members who are Level 50+ and 2 members that are lower than Level 50 the team will be placed in the Juggernaut Division. If that team being in the Division gives them an unfair advantage in the Tournament, Tournament Staff will use their own decision when selecting teams for matches and placing them in divisions. Teams will play against other teams who are in the same division as them for the first few matches. However, as the Tournament progresses and fewer teams advance you may go up against players from another division. Team applications: You have created your team and are ready to participate but have no idea how to fill out an application. Each team that wishes to participate in an upcoming Tournament must register before the deadline or their application will not be accepted, this is essential if you wish for your team to be entered and claim glory! A Team application must include every member on that team, their level, and availability during the Tournament times. (The Application can be found in the Discord) Solo applications: So, you’re flying solo then? If you do not have a team and wish to participate in a Tournament our staff will match you with other solo players of similar skill, level and their availability during the Tournament times. Our staff will firstly message you the details of other solo applicants or not full teams, you may choose any option that you want. After our staff has matched you with other members and you have agreed, you will be ready to take on the tough foes of the Tournament! (The Application can be found in the Discord) Team Captains So, you have been chosen or stepped up to be a leader of a glorious team This makes you responsible for applying your whole team to the tournament when it starts, selecting a possible match time for your team, letting staff know about alternate times for a match due to problems and representing your team in both Discord and Tournament matches. Team Captain Reasonability -As Team Captain you will be responsible for communicating with other Team Captains to ensure that you both are aware of when your match is and what game mode both teams have agreed on playing -Team Captains will need to check in every week using the #check-in channel to confirm that your team is participating in the Tournament. -Team Captains will need to let staff know if your team needs an alternate time for a match or if you need help finding a substitute player to help complete your team. -Team Captains set an example for your whole team, be a humble winner and a gracious loser. Others will not want to play with your Team if you have a bad reputation. -Team Captains are reasonable for recording each match they participate in. This is important as Tournament Staff will need to watch it over to see how each team performs in each match. If this is not met Team points can be deducted. Tournament Contestants: If you are not able to make your team's match it is your responsibility to tell your Team Captain, then this to an active member of the Tournament Staff. This way we can work together to find you a replacement for that round. Team Subs It is recommended that each Team have at least 2 substitute players. This way if team members cannot make a match, your team does not need to forfeit. If your team wins the Tournament your substitute players will only receive a prize if they play at least 1 match. Therefore, if your substitute players do not play a match, they will not receive the Team reward.
#227075007Wednesday, November 01, 2017 5:07 AM GMT

new rule remove the stupid 1 clan member rule noob

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