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#227213261Saturday, November 04, 2017 10:37 PM GMT

[THIS COMPANY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL] The Riverside Company was established during the events of ATF 3. They were first established as a friendly marine-based company. They'd provide transport of people and goods, fishing, and they did commerce across the waters of the Americas. During the Atlanta Crisis/Second Civil War, the Riverside Company did what most other businesses did, profit off the war. During those times, the Riverside Company allied with both the PRT and the US, this was short lived though as the PRT cut ties with the company due to its bias with the US and providing its services more with them. The business was simple, what could go wrong. The RCO out-shunned the Riverside Company in all of its departments, leading to a decline in wealth. The US barely contacted the Riverside Company nowadays, with the RCO being their leading ally in the Riverside Company's profession. The Riverside Company convinced the PRT to allow them to operate in their territory again, but they weren't treated fairly due to the incident during the war. And so, the Riverside Company began to decline again. The CEO of the company knew he had to do something. On the 21st of June, the ceasefire ended, and the people of the PRT were scared. The Riverside Company went to desperate measures. They created a secretive department not known by many, and those who do know are most likely not able to tell what they know. Owned and operated by the same people of the Riverside Company, They smuggled PRT citizens to the US, supplies for illegal US migrants, and illegal weaponry across the PRT-US border for a large price, sometimes encounters with PRT and US military happen. The department also offers jobs to some PRT citizens looking to illegally cross the border. The Riverside Company did continue doing what they originally did back then, but under it all was an illegal black market. They continue operating like this to this day.

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