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#227247698Sunday, November 05, 2017 5:25 PM GMT

10-01-2017 11##########eryone this is a Guide for my group do not be mad. Rules: Use grammar outside and inside your interview. Not using grammar will lead to failure. Respect your trainer at all times if you do not obey this then you'll get crashed/banned. Always be nice and kind to everyone in our game. If you do not it'll lead to crash. Now those are the rules! :m all of these things. Also say this when it is time to start. PTS Is now in effect, PTS - Permission To Speak, if someone says PTS you TP or walk to them and answer they're questions. If someone says something without saying PTS kicked them. Questions: What are your personalities? What is your greeting? How good is your grammar? How do you earn a promotion? How active are you? How would you handle trollers? How do you handle exploiters? Will you understand why you fail your interview? Now that is your interview, here are your results. Passed: You have passed due to excellent grammar fast typing and more! You'll be ranked soon! Now you kick them and rank them. FAILED: Sorry, but you have failed due to bad grammar and slow typing try again in a another session! This is the guide for INTERVIEWS!

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